you a man or a woman? Remember insurance companies are allowed to be sexist but not racist. i.e. a black man pays the same as the white equivalent, however a teenage woman pays half as much as a teenage man.
So if you're a woman quit whining, because it's the men who pay the consequences of their sexist rules.
Now I can see why insurance companies care about age, length of time driving, no claims bonus and so on. If I could get a sex change that lasts for two or three years and then become myself again I would, because I'm lumped in the same group as "boy racers", just because I'm a man. It doesn't matter that I don't speed or am in any way a "boy racer" and in fact hate "boy racer's" myself.
So if you're a woman the sexism works in your favour and you should not complain about having "expensive" car insurance. If you're a man you have my sympathies.