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Reply 1
its ok. better than 3 nipples or no nipples
Reply 2
i got big nipples, who the **** cares? shes not gona stop ryding you coz you got slightly larger than average nipples is she? dont get para over it, it aint a big deal.
Reply 3
Ok. To the ladies really.

I'm a guy and have quite big nipples. No girl has commented on them before but what do girls think about guys with big nipples? Are you put off by it? Not bothered?


I seldom find myself concerned with nipples per se, so much as what's attached to them.
Reply 4
^ why what do you have attached to them you freak? you into some sort of kinky nipple stretching sex game? i come to that conclusion from your messed up avvy and the size of his nose.
i have big nipples i was apprehensive like you in fact i still i am thats why i haven't been swimming in like five years but girls don't mind trust me.
Reply 6
I seldom find myself concerned with nipples per se, so much as what's attached to them.
Dj Nastie
^ why what do you have attached to them you freak? you into some sort of kinky nipple stretching sex game? i come to that conclusion from your messed up avvy and the size of his nose.
Hilarious :toofunny:

But to the OP: no it wouldn't put me off. Big nipples, small nipples.. whatever. Doesn't bother me at all.
Reply 7
Hell, are we talking diameter or height? I inherited v tall nipples from my dad, thanks pops.

BTW any lump of fat or flesh is attractive when you've a nipple attached, so I wouldnt worry. You're a boy, they have no purpose other than to be pierced or licked erotically.
Reply 8
Dj Nastie
^ why what do you have attached to them you freak? you into some sort of kinky nipple stretching sex game? i come to that conclusion from your messed up avvy and the size of his nose.

It's hard to know what to say in the face of such unrelenting idiocy...
What about beer bellies? Are girls turned off by that? jus
Reply 10
What about beer bellies? Are girls turned off by that? jus

most probably are
Reply 11
it depends. if you're all hairy, and forty with a big beer belly then, yes.

if you're hot, 20 with nipples and a beer belly, then no.

i a guy with a nice chest but i cant say i rele notice the size of their nipples lol. tbh i dont think it matters. hairyness, wieght, and muscle, tone r far more important :wink:
Reply 13
high priestess fnord
hairyness, wieght, and muscle, tone r far more important :wink:


Reply 14
You're a boy, they have no purpose other than to be pierced or licked erotically.
Reply 15
What about beer bellies? Are girls turned off by that? jus
Nah. :smile:


notice all these things can be changed with a little effort :wink: go to the gym more often if u r on the skinny side or have a bit of a beer belly and if you have a chest rug that rivals a wooly mammoths u mite want to think about a wax.

and yes beer bellies r a bit of a turn off but it depends on the size of them. a small 1 rele isnt an issue. its when u start growing moobs u should start worrying :rofl:
if you're hot, 20 with nipples and a beer belly, then no.

Who doesn't have nipples?
Reply 18
It's hard to know what to say in the face of such unrelenting idiocy...

dont say anything at all then ya ******
Reply 19
Mmm nipply.