The Student Room Group
Reply 1
per person per week :smile:
Reply 2
per person, per week?
thanks, much appreciated :smile:
can someone take a look at this for me please, is the £103.85 monthly or weekly?
Reply 5
Which one?!

It's more likely to be per week. If it were per month, that'd be just under £26 a week. I'd be quite scared as to what you'd actually get for that amount!

In my experience, landlords don't always fill in their bit of the uni housing lists all that consistently...
Thanks it's just i've found 2 in a similar area one at £58 and the other £103 but there doesn't seem to be much between them.
Reply 7
The more you share with the cheaper it will be, also some include rates while others don't. You need to check to see exactly what you're getting for your cash.