Ok, first of all i just want to say thanks in advance for anyone thats going to reply to my thread with HELPFUL advice and not stupid comments. Im saying it in advance because the problem i have has been pissing me off for years now so any advice would be much appreciated! So thank you...and now to my problem. Im just going to cut a long story short because i know when people go on some threads they see how long it is and just cant be bothered to reply, and i really need some replys (help). Now to the problem:
Well i have this big problem with talking to girls. Yes, i know you lot are probably thiking at this point "OMG, is that it?" And to tell you the truth, yeah, thats it, but it really does bug me and piss me off! Anyway, when im introduced to girls, or if their are girls in the room, I just dont know what to say to them. Its not a case of me being shy, well maybe abit, but I just cant really start a conversation with them. I just dont know what to say. And the thing is, one of my friends (lets call him mate B cos youl hear about him again soon) can just easily get along with girls. He just knows what to say, and how to act and they really get along with him as well and hes only known them as long as i have. I mean, a week ago, me and a few mates went to another friends room at uni to just stop over and chill for a few hours because it was late and we were getting tired. So we stayed over for a few hours at this GIRLS room. She was with her mate as well. So anyway, 3 of my other mates went outside for some fresh air so it was only me, my other mate (mate B) and the 2 girls. So there I was just sitting on the bed, and while i did come out with a few comments now and again, my mate (B) was just really getting along with them and laughing with them. And he only knew them as long as i did and that was like an hour yet he was the one having all the fun and i was the one sitting quitely in the corner. And this wasnt just luck, some time a week ago, we went to the cinemas, 1 of my mates friend works there, and she was working that day as well. And the same thing happened again, the person that knew her went to the toilet and my mate (mate B) was just easily getting along with her! He only knew her for like 2 minutes. I mean how does he do it!!!
So anyway, i just wanted to know if this is some kind of lucky genes hes inherited (yeah i know, very unlikely even if impossible) or does he just have more experience. I mean 1 of the major factors is probably the fact that he goes to a mix school in his final year of 6th form and i go to an all boys school in my final year as well. So he might have just picked up the courage or something over the years. Either that, or he bought one of those "How To Talk To Women" or "Being Confindent" books on ebay!!
Has it got anything to do with confidence? Because im pretty sure iv got confindece in myself but I still cant talk to girls, I mean I can but i just cant get along with them the way my mate does. I mean how do i present myself that i leave them gagging for more of my company? Make them laugh? If so, post me some of your jokes! Nah, seriously though....HELP ME!!!
Oh and i know i said it wasnt going to be a long story and il cut it short but I probably have told you the whole story. Just cant be bothered to edit it or delete it now. Sorry and thanks again for reading all of it (dont know how you did). Any advice at all, be it BIG or small would be much appreciated. I mean, im starting uni in September, how am i going to be then?!!! THANKS EVERYONE