The Student Room Group

My way of thinking, abnormal?

Recently, ive been doing everyday things, like watching the tv and ive wondered if im not actually really watching it, like im dreaming it and im going to wake up any moment. Basically, i wonder to myself if what im doing, im dreaming about, this thought comes into my head every now and again. It's just quite disturbing, i asked my psychology teacher about it, he says quite a lot of people experience these feelings, but he couldnt give me a name, or any detailed info

I am being serious about this, so any info or input would be appreciated. Also it started when i was getting really drunk during the first week of new yrs and not getting proper sleep, not sure if this would contribute

Thanks in advance,

Reply 1
Oh i always do this! :eek: it doesn't freak me out or anything, i just think 'well..what if...' strangeee
Is it some variation of the Descartes school of thinking?
Anything to do with derealization? You only gave the example of when watching tv though, so most probably not..
There's ways you can tell the difference... I remember once having a realistic dream and, in it, thinking "this is a dream, isn't it. ok so it isn't really real".

pinch yourself... that's the classic way of making sure you're awake, but i'm not sure it works.

anyway, are you really letting yourself worry about this, or are you just having occasional philosophical thoughts?
Reply 5
Well it disturbs me sometimes, because sometimes when something really good happens to me, i get anxious than it was just a dream, but then i do get slightly philisophical
Reply 6
I used to do that loads, kinda like the "matrix" complex. Im a reasonably normal, stable bloke, Im sure its normal just as long as you dont end up thinking that way 24/7 and dont try to fly or take on an army of 'agents', Oh n dont follow the white rabbit
Reply 7
Recently, ive been doing everyday things, like watching the tv and ive wondered if im not actually really watching it, like im dreaming it and im going to wake up any moment. Basically, i wonder to myself if what im doing, im dreaming about, this thought comes into my head every now and again. It's just quite disturbing, i asked my psychology teacher about it, he says quite a lot of people experience these feelings, but he couldnt give me a name, or any detailed info

I am being serious about this, so any info or input would be appreciated. Also it started when i was getting really drunk during the first week of new yrs and not getting proper sleep, not sure if this would contribute

Thanks in advance,


Reply 8
I wouldn't worry about it - I know a few people that do that. It's when you start hearing voices that you start getting worried. :smile:
Reply 9
I get that!!!!

Apparently its something to do with lack of energy causing loss of mental focus (so i was told)

It can be caused by lack of sleep, or bad dietary problems (ie. not enough proteins etc.)

Im trying to sort it out myself - eating more healthily and getting a little extra sleep helps. So maybe those health nuts aren't talking complete bull**** :rolleyes:
Reply 10
I have something very similar - sometimes I feel I am not living in a body and that I am living another life, have lived several lives or that my soul is dead, and it is a rather frightening feeling, as my rational thought denies it, but is powerless to stop it, yet after a while, once my mind is occupied, it returns to normal. In my case, it is related to mild depression.
Reply 11
I woke up once thinking I was already dead....I had this massive panick attack and fell down the stairs...but then again - i'm crazy...
Reply 12
Does anyone have that thing where say you are walking down the street and suddenly your not sure if everything is real or not? Like you convince yourself that it is and its just a phase but it just seems like your dreaming. It goes away after about a minute but I can bring it on myself if I really try:confused:
Recently, ive been doing everyday things, like watching the tv and ive wondered if im not actually really watching it, like im dreaming it and im going to wake up any moment. Basically, i wonder to myself if what im doing, im dreaming about, this thought comes into my head every now and again. It's just quite disturbing, i asked my psychology teacher about it, he says quite a lot of people experience these feelings, but he couldnt give me a name, or any detailed info

I am being serious about this, so any info or input would be appreciated. Also it started when i was getting really drunk during the first week of new yrs and not getting proper sleep, not sure if this would contribute

Thanks in advance,


I had this thought just this morning. I was still lying in bed...I think I'd just woke up about two minutes before my alarm went of and I was lying there thinking am I really awake or am I dreaming. I was really unsure and this was one of the strongest feelings I've had of this sort of thing for quite some time.
Reply 14
hmm well when i was younger i used to get this strange feeling of being above myself and looking down on myself from above. to this day i swear it used to happen. its like i seperated from my body, freaky but in a good way.
Reply 15
hmm well when i was younger i used to get this strange feeling of being above myself and looking down on myself from above. to this day i swear it used to happen. its like i seperated from my body, freaky but in a good way.

I still get that all the I'm watching me from above. Very odd.

I'm not crazy, oh no, not me...
Does anyone have that thing where say you are walking down the street and suddenly your not sure if everything is real or not? Like you convince yourself that it is and its just a phase but it just seems like your dreaming. It goes away after about a minute but I can bring it on myself if I really try

I feel like that alot of the time. Sometimes I just think how surreal it would be for an extra terrestrial to view us and how strange our world may seem. Thinking like this occasionally makes it difficult for me to take situations completely seriously though, like in an interview I'll feel like smiling for no apparent reason.