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Reply 1
lol why do boys think facial hair is a good thing?!
Reply 2
Because I want to look like Keith out of We Are Scientists :frown:

aww i'm sorry! grow away then and look cool :smile:
Reply 3
lol why do boys think facial hair is a good thing?!

because it makes up for some peoples lack of hair downstairs!?:rolleyes:
Reply 4

never trust any bloke with a beard.... this includes santa...
(the probablity of getting an impersonator is far too high!)

its how shipman would never of got me if i was old...

what you could do to promote growth is get a cast put around your head, i remember on bone breakage what my leg looked like on removal of the cast.... never seen so much hair growth in my life... lol
Reply 5
lol why do boys think facial hair is a good thing?!

Because it is :biggrin:
Reply 6
Yes, that's it! I'll shave my *******s and blu-tac it to my chin :p:

pritt stick would be more effective tho
Reply 7
Because it is :biggrin:

lol not many women find it attractive you know, although a little stubble is very sexy...
Reply 8
Ah well, there you go. I've provided a picture. Would I look good with a beard?
Reply 9
lol not many women find it attractive you know, although a little stubble is very sexy...

Doesn't matter, I'm not looking to attract women and the facial hair I do have shields my face from wind :biggrin:
Ah well, there you go. I've provided a picture. Would I look good with a beard?

I don't think you have a face that would suit a beard at the moment - you look too youthful. I think it would look very silly! Anyhows, you'll be able to grow a beard at some point eventually, so don't worry about it mate. :smile:

Edit: Don't every try not shaving for 3 months if you can't grow stubble, as the 'tache' you'll have will be the nastiest piece of facial tomfoolery - stay well clear of the bumfluff tache!
Reply 11
Doesn't matter, I'm not looking to attract women and the facial hair I do have shields my face from wind :biggrin:

hehe fair enough. in that case go for it cos it's very nippy outside at the moment!
Reply 12
You should be happy. Facial hair is too much work.

Having said that I only shave about once a week at uni.
Reply 13
No no no.. facial hair is NOT good! Except maybe on George Clooney but even he looks better without it. If you can't grow it then that's great - you won't have to worry about getting rid of it.
If I don't shave for a day you can light matches of my face (no, I haven't tried!). This is not a good thing. Shaving is a pain in the ass. The vast majority of men are clean shaven, and I imagine almost all of them find shaving annoying. Trust me, you don't really want your wish to come true.
noooo facial hair is the teh lose!! do not give into it!!! my bf cant grow a beard (thank god) i think he shaves about once a week, mmm silky smooth. btw i think it is just genetic. my bf is 25. mite not be the case for u tho.
Reply 16
George Michael Faith..mmmm.... I'm not homosexual but George Michael is just so sexy :biggrin:

It's only "girls" that don't like facial hair. Real women like it or don't mind either way as long as the guy is handsome.

1) eeeeewwww that guy is not newhere near good looking.
2) eeeeewwww facial hair. stubble rash is nasty, would feel icky if he was kissing some1 in other places too.
3) if women who dont like facial hair arent "real" then there rele rnt many women in this country.
Reply 18

Originally Posted by munchkin18
lol why do boys think facial hair is a good thing?!

i like facial hair but not too much... i have a small goatee thing at the moment:P
nothing wrong with a small well trimmed goatee