I'm in my last year at school, and recently I've just lost all interest in absolutely everything. I used to enjoy the subjects I take and find them really interesting, but now I feel just completely indifferent. I wander around half-asleep, just going to classes, chatting, eating and generally functioning on auto-pilot - I can't get worked up about anything any more, whether positive or negative. There's been a huge scandal in my school recently, and I've felt completely out on a limb and dispassionate about the whole thing, whereas in the past I would be as shocked and gossipy as anyone else.
I've got to the stage where the thing in my life I look forward to the most is going to bed at the end of the day, where I can just black out and forget about existence. The best is when I dream, as it's interesting and new. Everything around me in reality has been just the same since five years ago, when I first started at my current school - the same teachers are telling me off or returning homework to me as the day that I arrived, the same friends are teasing and chatting to me, the same enemies try to wind me up, the same school appears in front of me when I go to classes every day. Nothing ever changes, and I just feel as though every day passes just the same as the day before, and I know that tomorrow too will be identical to today.
I've even lost interest in guys or in going out with friends at weekends, which used to be the driving force in my life. Nowadays, the prospect of seeing the same people and going through the same routines just bores me - I've become completely apathetic about it. Two of my friends have recently started going out with new boyfriends, and I would normally either feel really happy for them or jealous, but I just can't work myself up to feel anything.
It's completely as though I'm dead on the inside - I have no energy for anything. I constantly feel as though I'm on the brink of tears, but I can never quite cry, which I hate, as at least then I could maybe get rid of this emptiness. None of my friends appear to feel the same way, and I don't know how to talk to them about it - it's too complex and I know that they would never just sit and let me explain all of this - it's always the other way around and I'm the shoulder for them to cry on. The worst bit is that I've started seriously comfort eating, and now I just can't get the willpower to stop, which I really need to, as I've put on almost a stone and a half in about 6 weeks.
I'm sorry about the really long post, but I was wondering if anyone has ever felt the same way, or can give me advice on what to do?