The Student Room Group

Stirling, Dundee or Aberdeen?

Hi, have got an unconditional at Stirling, Dundee and Aberdeen (to study Politics & International Relations), just can't decide where to go. Visited Dundee last year and liked it, and I'm visiting all three cities in the next couple of weeks. Any advice/warnings/recommendations about any of these places would be much appreciated! Currently live in London so it will be quite a big move for me!
Cheers :smile:
Reply 1
I've heard the Stirling campus is a bit... isolated. I'm sure the good students of there will be able to dispell this myth a bit and reveal that you don't need a central location to have fun.

Aside from that, nothing much. Dundee (both the city and the uni - where I go) are getting overhauled at the moment. There's quite a bit of building work going on, but it's all quite vibrant and it's nice to watch the place grow around you. Not to mention, Dundee on a hot summer's day brilliant.

And you won't get irradiated by the cliffs like you would in Aberdeen...