The Student Room Group

what should i do

theres this person i don't like but we go to college together. I'm always nice to her and don't slag her off. However i can't seem to get away from her as we all hang out in one big group. Dhe constantly puts me down and makes remarks on evrything I say. I don't hate her i just want her to stay away from me. We used to be best friends but have grown apart and mostly have arguments on things that are trivial. I just want her to mind her own buiness without come over as bitch.:frown: :frown:
just tell it to her face or make new can't really avoid her completely
Reply 2
Just, gently, cut her out of your life. dont talk to her...In groups try to ignore her...but don't be mean. Anyways, all of us need to deal in annoying people at one point or the other, right? You have my total understanding.