Okay, so I'm not too sure whether this should go here or in GD. It's related to relationships I have with my family, and how the whole situation will affect them, but I'm still not too sure.
Back in 1963, my nan was apparently abandoned by her husband (my grandfather) and left with three young children, the oldest of which (my mother) was only born in 1960. He apparently left and married some other woman, and I presume started a family. My nan remarried in the late 60's and had two more children by her new husband, who I've known as my "granddad" since I was born (even though I've known for a while that he's actually not).
I've been quite interested in family history recently, and I've found a slight ally in my uncle (one of the original three children) who's given me photographs of my grandfather, a copy of his birth certificate, etc., and has presented various theories to me about where he could be, what exactly happened, etc. During a small reunion between three of my nan's children (my mother, my uncle, and one of my stepgranddad's children), my uncle told me stories about their childhood, and how my "granddad" (who I tend to refer to as Pete now) was apparently abusive (i.e. when something got on his nerves, he apparently threw the kitchen table up, and was quite a git). My mother didn't like my uncle telling me this/giving me photographs of my actual grandfather, and says she doesn't remember all of these "abusive" events that my uncle told me about, except for a vague recollection of the table thing.
In 1979, my mother and my uncle met up with their father once again, and he apparently didn't want to know. Their younger sister had had a daughter by this point, and I think he knew that he had become a grandfather (I presume he was told by Mum and her brother), and he still didn't want to know. And my mother told me of a time when, still in 1979, she had rang him up to arrange a meeting and he told her he couldn't, because he had "family commitments". She slammed the phone down.
I know it's natural for me to want to meet him. I have his name, a few theories of where he could be. And I know that if I do get in touch, my mother will be upset, and that's understandable given everything. She says that he'll only hurt me and that I'll see what "he's like", as if she's trying to persuade me not to go through with it. But don't I have a right to find that out for myself? I'm not going to go and call him Granddad or whatever (to me, he's just Michael; same as my stepgranddad's Pete, as I've never really felt related to him and even less so since the "abusive" rumours came to light), as as far as I'm concerned, the only "real" granddad I have is on my father's side, who I call "Granddad" and who has always been there. But Michael's still family, and I want to know where I come from. But I'm worried about the repercussions - Pete (who I call "Granddad" to his face, but not when he's not in the room) apparently hates the IDEA of Michael, and I know will go ballistic if I bring it up. It's as if I'm only allowed to talk to my mum, my uncle, and my nan about it. And my mum says I should be grateful to him because he did "take on" a woman with three young kids, and it's "understandable" that he may feel threatened or whatever by this man - *he's* the one who's brought up the children, not Michael.
I've talked to my mum about it, and I know she seems really off with the idea of me finding out more, but I'd still really like to do it. But I don't want to cause a big family ruckus or whatever, only to find out that this guy doesn't even want to know. But again there's a part of me that wants to find out for myself what he's like - I only have my nan's accounts to go on (for all we know, she kicked him out and told him not to come near the children) and my mother's memories of when she was a child are very sketchy. She can recall when she reached out for a hug and he was really cold towards her, saying he had to leave for work or something. And when she got knocked down by a car in her teens, her name was in the newspaper and he didn't get in contact or whatever.
There's so much information to take in and deal with and I really don't know what to do. If there's any advice I'd much appreciate it! Sorry for the long post, but I had to get the whole story out.