The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There's plenty more weekends to see him. Take this opportunity to get loads of sleep and take it easy.

Or go out and get drunk.
Reply 2
I am spending some time with a friend in need but still missing him like mad :-(
i know its horrible! I only see mine every few weeks if that. neither of us drive or have the money for trains, so its just a case of seeing each other when i we have holidays. plus, law degrees dont allow much time to have weekends off. its truly crap!
Reply 4
Sorry but it's pretty pathetic to say you have the blues over this. Some people will lose their family/friends today.. imagine their weekend.
Reply 5
Phone sex. start now.
Reply 6
Do some work! Then when you do see your bf you'll enjoy it without having the hassle of having to remember about deadlines and stuff. That's what I'm planning for my weekend anyway, oh joy.
Sorry but it's pretty pathetic to say you have the blues over this. Some people will lose their family/friends today.. imagine their weekend.

Hey, that's harsh! Its hard to be away from someone you love! She never said her world would end! Just that she's upset for not seeing him,

I wish i was with my bf this weekend and it upsets me that i cant too.