The Student Room Group

I'm a student but i cant stand students!?

I know this may sound odd but even though im a student if im out and about in town or around campus the rest of the student population just seem to really bug me. Drunken ones especially, like the ones who ruined my night last night who kept falling into me on the dancefloor, and believe me there were a lot. I try and avoid student nights as all they include are rammed dancefloors and people who cant handle their alcohol.

But even generally the ones i know who live in halls are just tramps and cant keep anything clean to save their lives they live in filth i dont know how anyone can do it? they have no skills whatsover and i know it sounds harsh but it really annoys me? I think it may be due to the fact that i live at home still and have chosen to stay in my own city and still have plenty of mates from nottingham who are in full time work now etc. It just seems that all the local people i know are fine and dont get on my nerves but the student popualtion do

I have quite a few uni mates thought before anyone asks so i was being general not all of them are bad but on the whole i cant stand them? Does anyone find that rather odd seeing as i am one?

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Reply 1
I know this may sound odd but even though im a student if im out and about in town or around campus the rest of the student population just seem to really bug me. Drunken ones especially, like the ones who ruined my night last night who kept falling into me on the dancefloor, and believe me there were a lot. I try and avoid student nights as all they include are rammed dancefloors and people who cant handle their alcohol.

But even generally the ones i know who live in halls are just tramps and cant keep anything clean to save their lives they live in filth i dont know how anyone can do it? they have no skills whatsover and i know it sounds harsh but it really annoys me? I think it may be due to the fact that i live at home still and have chosen to stay in my own city and still have plenty of mates from nottingham who are in full time work now etc. It just seems that all the local people i know are fine and dont get on my nerves but the student popualtion do

I have quite a few uni mates thought before anyone asks so i was being general not all of them are bad but on the whole i cant stand them? Does anyone find that rather odd seeing as i am one?

It's perfectly natural to be irritated with one's peers, particularly when they are so immature. Can't say I blame you - I'd be the same.
i have a small problem with some students, mainly just annoying first years...

excessive and unecessary uses of the word 'random' ...people thinking they are wacky/zany/wierd/different....when clearly they are merely generic replicas of 90% of students these days...can't people just except this and get on with their lives happy and content at this fact?!

people who seem to have a consistent urge to tell a whole busload of people how "they were soooooo wasted last night..oh my god it was random.....i drank soooo much....pulled a couple of randomers....oh my god..i was like oh my god...." - seriously, nobody, really...

i mean really....randomer?! is that even a word?! ....:rolleyes:
Reply 3
i have a small problem with some students, mainly just annoying first years...

excessive and unecessary uses of the word 'random' ...people thinking they are wacky/zany/wierd/different....when clearly they are merely generic replicas of 90% of students these days...can't people just except this and get on with their lives happy and content at this fact?!

people who seem to have a consistent urge to tell a whole busload of people how "they were soooooo wasted last night..oh my god it was random.....i drank soooo much....pulled a couple of randomers....oh my god..i was like oh my god...." - seriously, nobody, really...

i mean really....randomer?! is that even a word?! ....:rolleyes:

Haha, that is so true. I hate these new words that everybody uses just because other people do.
And that's why I don't go to a University in a small town, or on a campus. :wink:
Reply 5
I know this may sound odd but even though im a student if im out and about in town or around campus the rest of the student population just seem to really bug me. Drunken ones especially, like the ones who ruined my night last night who kept falling into me on the dancefloor, and believe me there were a lot. I try and avoid student nights as all they include are rammed dancefloors and people who cant handle their alcohol.

But even generally the ones i know who live in halls are just tramps and cant keep anything clean to save their lives they live in filth i dont know how anyone can do it? they have no skills whatsover and i know it sounds harsh but it really annoys me? I think it may be due to the fact that i live at home still and have chosen to stay in my own city and still have plenty of mates from nottingham who are in full time work now etc. It just seems that all the local people i know are fine and dont get on my nerves but the student popualtion do

I have quite a few uni mates thought before anyone asks so i was being general not all of them are bad but on the whole i cant stand them? Does anyone find that rather odd seeing as i am one?


Your rant has cheered up my day! Although i find people bumping into me annoying, tbh i don't really give it a second thought, at the end of the day everyone is out for a good time don't let some mindless minority get to you.

Being at uni is about having a good time, people usually do this by getting obscenely drunk altho it is not the only way.

Its called being a student, its what most of us do, generally accepted! lol!

Reply 6
people who seem to have a consistent urge to tell a whole busload of people how "they were soooooo wasted last night..oh my god it was random.....i drank soooo much....pulled a couple of randomers....oh my god..i was like oh my god...." - seriously, nobody, really...
OMG! (Exactly).
Reply 7
Haha, that is so true. I hate these new words that everybody uses just because other people do.


and to higgy they'll sort themselves out when they have to get proper jobs.
Reply 8
I hate these new words that everybody uses just because other people do.

i.e. you hate the entire evolution of language, and wish we still communicated with pointing and grunts?
i have a small problem with some students, mainly just annoying first years...

excessive and unecessary uses of the word 'random' ...people thinking they are wacky/zany/wierd/different....when clearly they are merely generic replicas of 90% of students these days...can't people just except this and get on with their lives happy and content at this fact?!

people who seem to have a consistent urge to tell a whole busload of people how "they were soooooo wasted last night..oh my god it was random.....i drank soooo much....pulled a couple of randomers....oh my god..i was like oh my god...." - seriously, nobody, really...

i mean really....randomer?! is that even a word?! ....:rolleyes:

you shouldn't really genaerlise so much. I'm a first year and even within my house there's a massive difference in maturity. One half spend most of their time "wasted" and just generally annoying the hell out of us, the others just get on with things maturely.
Just chill out- most students just want to have fun, and you can't really judge them for that. As long as they're passing their degrees, it's OK to go out and have fun and not have to act really mature- it's the last time before you enter 'real life' that you don't have to act like an adult all the time. But you do have a right to be annoyed with drunken people in clubs trampling all over you- hopefully they're 1st years and will learn to take their drink soon!!
Reply 11
I generally hate 95 percent of my upper sixth. Theyre all a bunch of pretentious re tards.
Reply 12
Yeh i have no problem with people having a laugh and enjoying themselves its just when they barge into me, stand on my feet, accidently elbow me in the head as they have no idea whats going on,its like they have never drunk before university (which now i think maybe they havent?)
Reply 13
Maybe they are trying to live up to the expectations of getting blind drunk at university so probabaly most of them are acting up to that and doing it all for a joke at yours and others expense.

I hate drunk people who act like idiots and then complain the next day about their hangover and the fact that their drunken antics are splashed across myspace.
Myspace- justice given to those of us who have to endure the immature little pricks.
Higgy, you'll find the worst offenders with regard to drinking probably have never drunk before university. So when they're finally 'let free' they feel they have to drink loads to make up for it....:rolleyes: I used to drink at home so don't feel I have to go absolutely insane here!
i have a small problem with some students, mainly just annoying first years...

excessive and unecessary uses of the word 'random' ...people thinking they are wacky/zany/wierd/different....when clearly they are merely generic replicas of 90% of students these days...can't people just except this and get on with their lives happy and content at this fact?!

people who seem to have a consistent urge to tell a whole busload of people how "they were soooooo wasted last night..oh my god it was random.....i drank soooo much....pulled a couple of randomers....oh my god..i was like oh my god...." - seriously, nobody, really...

i mean really....randomer?! is that even a word?! ....:rolleyes:

rep coming your way!! very funny and true

one of the reasons I havent found many male freinds at uni (im also male) is because all the conversation is so 1 dimensional, all about booze or birds they fancy (yet they all remain single:rolleyes: ) whereas my male freinds at home...yes get drunk, yes talk about women, but dont talk about that 24/7 and actually have interesting conversation.

also agreed about clothing! some people seem to think "ooh what can i wear for attention in lecture today" and throw any old rubbish on.

id also like to add, the students who decide to wear 'university clothing' 24/7 and act loud and outragious in public...

which just makes the local population (the people of middlesbrough and stockton in my case) think "omg what a bunch of loosers/t***s" and generally think all students are like that.

also some people may as well just stick "mug me" on their heads, when they wander down the street in Univeristy Clothing, on their mobile, counting money in their purse/wallet etc (I mostly find its southern students who do this, dont know if its the same at other uni's) you can literally see local chavs thinking "wow is it christmas".

the same can be said for university and college (im at Durham so its college based) songs when out in public, it just makes the local people hostile to would be ok singing these songs on campus and in the college/union bar, but not in public, its sounds pathetic and just draws unwanted attention.
Reply 16
Yeh i totally agree about students wanting to get mugged, no common sense whatsoever
Reply 17
Ha ha. By University Clothing do you mean the hoodies and such like with the University splashed across the front?
Reply 18
tell me about the students who cant handle their drink... last wednesday i went out with friends and a girl who was completely out of her face fell flat on her face and grabbed my legs as she fell.... bloody idiot nearly pulled me down with her and i hadnt drunk any alcohol!
Reply 19
Its always the same, if their going down they manage to drag everyone down with them!!!

I bet she was a blonde.