I know I shouldn't really be ranting to everyone about this but it's really upsetting me now and I just needed to get it out.
Basically I'm Muslim. I got 4A's at AS level and applied for English at unis including Durham, York, Leeds and Manchester. The only reason I applied to Manchester was because my parents wanted me to stay at home (I live there obviously.) I really didn't want to apply but did it since I felt I could give up just one of my six choices. I also expected to get offers from AAA unis so didn't think Manchester being AAB would even have to be considered.
But after having been rejected from Durham and with offers from Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield, I'm in a difficult situation.
Out of the three I'd go to Leeds because the course is better and I wanna get away from here and start a fresh. But my parents are putting INCREDIBLE pressure on me to go to Mcr saying that Muslim girls cannot live away from home as it's too dangerous and there's too much risk of me losing my religion, especially since hardly any Muslims/Asians apply for English.
It's horrible because I really had my heart set on York and it's likely I'll receive a rejection. I don't want to be even MORE miserable by going to a uni I hate for 3 years of my life. I know I'll be miserable.
They're willing to sacrifice my happiness, ambitions, personal preference just for the sake of staying at home and 'preserving my goodness.' They don't trust me at all.
What can I do? It's a horrid, horrid situation. I couldn't bear going to Manchester. I'm unhappy enough about Leeds because I really had my heart set on Durham or York but this pressure makes everything so much worse.
Why can't they see that I can survive on my own and still maintain my religion away from home? It's not really my religion if I'm guarded at home and unable to make decisions for myself.
I hate this backwardness. I hate it. I just will not spend three years in misery to please my family who think they know what's best for me. I just can't.
I know the financial situation will be better at home but that is a tiny advantage in the grand scheme of things. But I know how gutted they will be if I choose Leeds. They'll never support me fully and my family means everything to me.
I just can't win.