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Does love exist?

Forgive the anonymous posting, but ppl on her know me and might find it suspicious me asking questions like this :wink:

WELL . . . is love real?
Is it something real and material like people make out?
Or is it, more sensibly, just a condition of the brain (scientifically related to madness believe it or not) thats chemically induced and drives you a bit mental?

I believe the latter - and because of what it is, it can lead to a lot of stupid irrational decisions, and you're never quite sure when you've found 'the one.'
Like when you come out of a relationship, and that fog clears your mind, and you suddenly see how flawed your ex really is. If you'd really found true love, would it really just go away???

Discuss people! Im interested to know what you all think!

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Reply 1
I thinking the same thing the other day... I can't say I ever felt love... how do you know what it is?
Reply 2
You know it when you feel it.
I find the best way to tell is when you put that certain someone before yourself in everything. Its just total selflessness, when u think about somebody all the time, and not in a lustful way (well atleast not entirely) but in a way that says you dont care about yourself and you would do anything for them.
Thats love i think - although would everyones definition be different?
Reply 3
Define real and material...
Reply 4
Like people make out love is an object - something to strive for thats a universal thing that makes us all happy etc.
When infact for no person is it the same.
Its odd - i could rant on about this forever possibly because i've had bad experiences with feelings. Like being 100% certain i was in love (a number of times) only to have it shot down and dismantled before me.
The i realise that i wasnt actually in love - or was i?
I kinda started to question the reality of something which is clearly only in the mind, but we all convince ourselves its a real thing.
But then you could argue its the same thing etc etc.
But hey sorry to put a downer on the forum :p:
Reply 5
Love is there to help us reproduce, end of. Therefore it is a chemically induced condition - you associate a person with lots of good feelings hence love. That doesn't make it any less real, or less of something to aspire to. If you love someone you are devoted to them 100%, it's not just butterflys in stomach and general excitment. I don't see what's irrational about it?
Reply 6
it's not just butterflys in stomach and general excitment. I don't see what's irrational about it?

Someone clearly has their head straight :p:
Reply 7
i thought that love was basically the production of the hormone, endorphin in the brain. So yes in a way its material. But mainly its the condition that the hormone gives the brain.
Reply 8
But does this make it any less real?
Reply 9
I am in love and I know I am. I'm not a stupid loved up teenager I do love my boyfriend. This I know as we've been together for over four years and I used to think I loved him but recently I have had like a ''feeling'' and I dont know how but I just know its love. I'm not saying he's the one or that but I do love him, even writing this I'm smiling thinking of him now lol.

And I don't think its either of those explinations, it's a feeling in your heart and I know that sound CHEEEEEEEESY but it is, you can actually feel it in your heart - it's hard to explain but when yoiu actually are you know
I'm in love with my ex...and I just know it.
Reply 11
Love does exist. I've loved a couple of people and I love a couple of people now.
Forgive the anonymous posting, but ppl on her know me and might find it suspicious me asking questions like this :wink:

WELL . . . is love real?

Discuss people! Im interested to know what you all think!

It's an emotion. A super-emotion you *do* to yourself. The more you keep it up, the longer you're *in* it - but outside sparks and stimuli help bigtime!
Reply 13
Thing is though, how are you supposed to know the difference between a love you think you had for someone you went out with and the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? The same feelings are there for both people. Wanting to be close, affection, feeling a need for them when they're away, thinking about them.

I assume that the only difference between the two is the fact that when you do split up with someone, you know you love them if you feel sick to the stomach for having split up with them. But for someone else, you soon get over.
Reply 14
Markus Angelsdaughter
Thing is though, how are you supposed to know the difference between a love you think you had for someone you went out with and the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? The same feelings are there for both people. Wanting to be close, affection, feeling a need for them when they're away, thinking about them.

I assume that the only difference between the two is the fact that when you do split up with someone, you know you love them if you feel sick to the stomach for having split up with them. But for someone else, you soon get over.

EXACTLY! I've only experienced 2 relationships (one is current) In the first, i was convinced i was in love. Then all of a sudden, it just went away and i realised i'd been fooling myself.
This second time - i think about them 24/7 and i think every little tiny thing about them is amazing. LIke i feel its a PROPER FEELING this time.
So which was real, or were both real, or are none real?
Reply 15
bah humbug.

it only exists between a boy and his computer game (and his best gay friend)

other than that, tonight i have no input. FU ALL :biggrin:
love is the most mysterious thing there is
Reply 17
love sucks ass. i hate it. it makes me miserable, and annoyed, it makes me feel lonely, and angry... mad and frustrated.

god it's the worst thing out. i hate being in love. it's ****.

(k yeah.. i am a bit pissed off with bf again but i won't go into details.. otehr than once again ,he has chosen his ****ing game and best friend over me.. i hate his friend.. i wish he would crawl into a hole and die.)
Reply 18
love sucks ass. i hate it. it makes me miserable, and annoyed, it makes me feel lonely, and angry... mad and frustrated.

god it's the worst thing out. i hate being in love. it's ****.

(k yeah.. i am a bit pissed off with bf again but i won't go into details.. otehr than once again ,he has chosen his ****ing game and best friend over me.. i hate his friend.. i wish he would crawl into a hole and die.)
Reply 19
all emotions are conditions of the mind aren't they :confused:. I'm fascinated that we get to make conscious decisions at all, that voice we call ourselves, after all we're just a number of atoms arranged in a clever way. I think it's a lot to do with how we evolved, except now we can feel and express our emotions in so many ways.