The Student Room Group

university dorm pranks

I need some... gimme some pranks!

I have thought of a few and got a few from friends,
marmite on a door handle
tie two door opposing door handles together, so neither person can get out, but leave some slack so they can figure out whats going on
newspaper wall on someone's door frame, and fill the gap with scrunched up newspaper so it falls on them when they open the door

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Reply 2
Really scary how suddenly students live in "dorms" not halls and you are perfoming "pranks" and not practical jokes....
Really scary how suddenly students live in "dorms" not halls and you are perfoming "pranks" and not practical jokes....

Ruddy Americanisation.
In my halls it used to be possible to unlock the shower door. This led to much towel stealing. After a couple of days we had perfected the technique so that when one of us went for a shower, we used to go into his room, steal his room keys, unlock the shower door, steal his towel, lock it in his room and then turn the hot water off. Happy days *sigh* :biggrin:
Reply 5
Well this all sounds, er, "fun"...
Well this all sounds, er, "fun"...

Indeed it is.
Reply 7
Two people in my flat cling filmed everything in someone elses room. Literally everything! Including toilet seat, taps, mattress, window, all bits and pieces lying around. It was very funny, and he still hasnt removed the cling film from everything yet!
Reply 8
In the first year of my first degree we took every single piece of furniture out of my then boyfriends room while he was at work. All we left were his posters etc, which we turned upside down.

There was also the time we took the temporary bus stop from outside halls. It was green and we thought it would make a great Christmas tree (we were clearly coming back from the pub). It was a military operation to get it in to halls, past the porters and CCTV etc. but we were dead proud of ourselves...
Until the next morning - it was raining and we couldn't get a bus to stop, because there was no fecking bus stop. BLoody students!
Steve Stifler
In my halls it used to be possible to unlock the shower door. This led to much towel stealing. After a couple of days we had perfected the technique so that when one of us went for a shower, we used to go into his room, steal his room keys, unlock the shower door, steal his towel, lock it in his room and then turn the hot water off. Happy days *sigh* :biggrin:

Meh,I wouldn't really find that very funny.
When I lived in halls last year, I was one of 8 guys on one side of the fire door. We went through a phase of sneaking into each others rooms when we were out and leaving internet porn (usually something really gross), sitting there on the desktop.

One time (at band camp ...!), we actually made a screen-cap of loads of gross stuff and left it on a guys desktop. He went mad when he couldn't click anything off! Ho ho.

(Just read that all back to myself ... actually not funny at all. Ho hum). :redface:
Reply 11
I love the shower one.. thats just brilliant.

I remember hearing about a huege prank that someone did a few years ago. nearby there's a big tower, 18 floors of first year accomadation. All the halls are identical. someone went away for a week so his flatmates moved EVERYTHING in his room on a high floor to a low floor in the same place on the corridor, an empty room. when he came back I think they got drunk before he went to his room, and they took the lift and put him in his new room with the curtains closed. So the next morning he found an entirely new flat in the common room.
Meh,I wouldn't really find that very funny.

Horses for courses. We were clinking beers over it that night so we obviously found it funny.
I love all this stuff. It's what first year was MADE for!
I love all this stuff. It's what first year was MADE for!

Damn straight!
Reply 15

There was also the time we took the temporary bus stop from outside halls. It was green and we thought it would make a great Christmas tree (we were clearly coming back from the pub). It was a military operation to get it in to halls, past the porters and CCTV etc. but we were dead proud of ourselves...
Until the next morning - it was raining and we couldn't get a bus to stop, because there was no fecking bus stop. BLoody students!

I think that's brilliant, hehehe. :biggrin:
Reply 16
We used to prop all the mops/brushes/ironing board/hoover against a room door (opened inwards), knock, run.

Teabags in the toilet sistern was a failure one. the idea was that it'd look like the toilet hadn't flushed properly when you'd had a piss. The guys didn't really think it thru properly, the tebags just ended up blocking the toilet up.
My Dad told me a few tales about his days at Uni..
Once he found a dead pheasant at the side of the road, brought it back to his flat, attached it to the end of a piece of elastic from his bike and tied the other end of the elastic to his friend's door handle. Knocked on the door, friend opened door, got a pheasant in the face :biggrin:

Although his friend did get him back, one winters night my Dad had gone out to the pub, then he came back and looked out of the window and saw somebody's bed out on the lawn covered in snow. He soon stopped laughing when he realised it was his bed.
Reply 18
Last year I was in a shared room and it was massive. Next door was the same. One of my neighbours went out for a field trip one day so we moved everything (yes everything, bed, desk, wardrobe, posters etc) from his room into ours and pinned up a fake (but official looking) letter from the university saying his stuff had been impounded and that he had to pay his fees at the finance office before he could get it back. Of course it was all in my room nextdoor!!

Oh, and there was one girl that loved shoes and had hundreds of pairs. So we took every single left shoe from her room and lined them up in someone elses. That was amusing.
I quite like the stuff they do at MIT; including turning the great dome into an R2-D2, they also find small corridors and turn them into little new rooms, desks and all...

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