The Student Room Group

First Boyfriend

I'm only 16 and I just recently (3 days ago) got my first boyfriend. We had been friends for a year and a half, and I had liked him for nearly a year. He went out with my best friend for a while and then she broke hings off with him. about a month later, he started liking me and when he realized I liked him too, we started going steady. Now he's my boyfriend and we're totally enraptured by eachother. We can hardly go a day without seeing eachother and I love him so much! But as he's my first, I have no clue what to expect from him or what he expects from me! I'm terrified that if we spend too much time together, we'll get tired or bored with eachother, but if I don't see him, I feel like im going insane! I haven't had my first kiss yet and I don't know anything! What if I make a fool of myself? How long should we go out before we kiss? I'm in need of a little assurance...:frown:

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Reply 1
3 days and u love him? be careful not to confuse infactuation with love.

yeah dont come across too clingy, but its ok to come accross really "into" him as guys generally like that.

and first kiss, dont worry bout it, kissings a natural process, just go with the flow.
Reply 2
Just calm down and go with it :smile:.

May only have been going out with him 3 days but she has known him for longer.
How do you know when you are going steady? And not seing other people at the same time?
Reply 4
haha, the thing is, both of us are really clingy, so it kinda works out :rolleyes: but if I don't actually LOVE him right now, I most certainly love him as my friend, and that is why I said it...
Reply 5
How do you know when you are going steady? And not seing other people at the same time?

well, he asked me to be his girlfriend and now we're seeing eachother...I've known him long enough to know that he would never see another person while he has a girlfriend. (he's had 3 other girlfriends since the first time I met him a year and a half ago...)
Reply 6
Hmmmm for a minute there I saw your real username instead of anonymous....Hmmmm.
Reply 7
Hmmmm for a minute there I saw your real username instead on anonymous....Hmmmm.

Lol. shh...:biggrin:
Reply 8
Dont worry everything including your first kiss will come naturally. Worrying about these things will only get you more paranoid about it.
Reply 9
Dont worry everything including your first kiss will come naturally. Worrying about these things will only get you more paranoid about it.

I know...I'm just so nervous cuz he's coming over to my house today... :redface:
Reply 10

My advice is....Relax.
Reply 11

My advice is....Relax.

Lol. ok im relaxing...thank you :rolleyes:
Reply 12
I had my first kiss with my first boyfriend after about 3 days. I say go for it, if it feels right that is. Best feeling in the world!
Reply 13
With my first 'real' relationship we kissed way before we were actually going out.
And yes, don't confuse lust with love. I doubt very much you love him after 2 days, but I am cynical and think all the 'love at first sight' is crap =P

Just relax, do whatever you're comfortable with, whatever feels right.
Reply 14
Tee hee hee - Same here Kate. :rolleyes:
Aww this is sweet!! :smile:

Just go with the flow. There is no set amount of time that you 'should' do things by. Some couples kiss before they start going out, some wait. Just depends really. Sometimes it is nice to get to know somebody before anything physical (that's what happened with me & my bf). Seriously, I know it's hard to do but just relax & don't worry. It comes naturally & he's probably worrying as much as you. Maybe just talk to him about it & you can both relax.
Reply 16
crikey you have a lot to learn. Bless you!
I'm only 16 and I just recently (3 days ago) got my first boyfriend. We had been friends for a year and a half, and I had liked him for nearly a year. He went out with my best friend for a while and then she broke hings off with him. about a month later, he started liking me and when he realized I liked him too, we started going steady. Now he's my boyfriend and we're totally enraptured by eachother. We can hardly go a day without seeing eachother and I love him so much! But as he's my first, I have no clue what to expect from him or what he expects from me! I'm terrified that if we spend too much time together, we'll get tired or bored with eachother, but if I don't see him, I feel like im going insane! I haven't had my first kiss yet and I don't know anything! What if I make a fool of myself? How long should we go out before we kiss? I'm in need of a little assurance...:frown:

I'm almost 18 and I had my first boyfriend last year on my 17th birthday. Don't confuse infatuation with love, three days is NOT love. I only realized that I had fallen in love with my boyfriend after a month together...but even then, I wasn't so sure, though I had known him and liked him for a year before that.. don't expect too much out of him, and don't worry about what he expects from you...because you shouldn't be expecting anything from each other except that you two should be yourselves and not someone you're not. my boyfriend and I had our first kiss after two weeks together.

and having a boyfriend isn't having the world. you lose boyfriends and that's just life. I lost my boyfriend three weeks ago because we were on a long distance relationship. Of course, we got together when I was physically with him over the summer. so you just started with this boy three days ago, and you're already afraid of losing him. If you think that way, you WILL DEFINITELY one day lose him. Don't think about that, and just enjoy being with him. Just remember that infatuation is a lot different from love.

Don't make me go into the biology of it.
same thing is happening to me-im worried too
Reply 19
to the OP - why are you posting as anonymous?