The Student Room Group


Does anyone ever occasionally delude themselves? I don't usually, but I'm wondering whether I am in this case.... or maybe I' m just being my usual optimistic self.
There's a girl in one of my classes, whom I have barely ever spoken a word to. Despite this, I have half convinced myself she fancies me (I am quite taken by her, if truth be told). I am not entirely sure what I am basing this on, other than fleeting instances where we catch one another's eyes and a smile is exchanged (a suggestive smile, my mind tells me). Comments anyone?
(I almost didn't most this anonymously.... I hate posting anonymously because it makes posts feel less personal.)
Reply 1
I think it's part of human nature.
Meh... who cares. Take a shot, see what happens. Like you said you've barely spoken to her - if you're wrong then you haven't lost anything.
Reply 3
Actually small things like that can signify a lot... go for it, you have little to lose.
Reply 4
Seeing is believing...

Lots of people see what they want to see. Maybe she likes you, maybe she doesn't. At the moment, you think she likes you because you want her to like you.

Only way to find out for sure? Ask. :smile:
Reply 5
I think you are probably right. No-one else has ever experienced something similar have they?
Have you ever suffered from hallucinatory problems??? If not, then all should be fine and get to know the girl. Don't just jump on her :biggrin:.
Reply 7
Lol, no, no hallucinations. :biggrin:
Thanks for the advice.
Reply 8
I love to delude myself, keeps me happy and gives me hope until I bring myself crashing back down to reality :smile:
Reply 9
delude myself? all the time...

Parag, how is it possible to cancell your application by accident?! its not exactly an easy thing to do!
Reply 10
I need to delude myself. Desperately.
Reply 11
do you think the 2 anonymous posters on TSR each asking whether someone likes them are actually talking about each other? maybe we should get them together...
Reply 12
It's a nice thought, but I've never had anything that would count as a conversation with the girl in my OP....thanks for trying though!