The Student Room Group

What does this sound like?

There's this guy in my class who I'm friends with, and I really like him, I think he might like me back, but I'm not sure. We always say hi and stuff but sometimes he doesn't stick around for long conversations and sometimes he does, which makes me a bit confused. And sometimes I look not-so-very-subtly at him, and he'll be chatting with his mates, and they'll sometimes look at me...what does it all mean? Might he like me?
I didnt hear any sounds so how can I tell?
Reply 2
Maybe they are freaked out by you staring at them?!

Or maybe they all fancy you...who knows.
Reply 3
Lol, this thread sounds like a counterpart to the thread 'self-delusion'....:biggrin:
Reply 4
ask him out, come back and tell us what he said, then we may be able to give you a more cut and dry answer.
Reply 5
Indeed, it's hard to tell from what you say, for we are no diviners...
if he liked u hed always want to chat to you whenever u see him and be with you, unless he has somewhere else to go or thinks you dont like him.
Reply 7
if he liked u hed always want to chat to you whenever u see him and be with you, unless he has somewhere else to go or thinks you dont like him.

maybe he has a brain and is trying to play hard to get... maybe hes posting the same messages on another forum, who knows....
To hard to tell. Give me more clues.
Reply 9
From experience, don't look into the staring thing. People stare for millions of reasons. If you look into things like this too much, you can convince yourself all kinds of things. You can end up convincing yourself someone fancies you just because they sneezed :rolleyes:

You've got to suggest doing stuff, asking him what he's up to...try to get your friends together, or if it's not too weird, ask him out for a drink/coffee somewhere where you might be able to actually talk and get a chance to find out what he thinks. The other easy "high school" solution, is asking a friend of a friend if he likes you.
Reply 10
Sounds like he's in love with you to me. That's exactly how I behave when I'm in love.
I didnt hear any sounds so how can I tell?

oh man that cracked me up!
Reply 12
When we do talk we always have loads to talk about and get on well together...I think he's quite a shy person. And sometimes when he's not with his mates he'll look at me from across the room...I'm just really confused by all o this.
Reply 13
He OBVIOUSLY likes you! I'm shy and when i like someone, i stare at them to let them know. But obviously for me it doesn't work, because the girl always ends up going out with another guy, who's not scared to approach her!:mad: This guy you like is shy and obviously fancies you. Go talk to him. Unless of course you have a BF already. I would love for a girl to approach me, as i'm shy myself, so i'd imagine he would be well pleased if you went up to him! I personally blew my chance with a girl i really like because of my shyness, and now i have to see her with her BF everyday at school!

Go talk to him if you like him.