The Student Room Group
Not being female i cant say much, apart from See a doctor!
The thing is i'm really worried in going to see a doctor especially looking at that area.
Reply 3
Do you shave your pubic hair? if so, could just be an ingrowing hair..
Reply 4
This morning when having a bath I noticed a lump on the outside of my vagina,m in the pubic hair region. I'm kinda worried I don't know what it is, and it cannot be anything to do with a STD seeing as i'm a virgin, what should I do, i've never had anything like this before.:frown:

Do you shave or remove hair around the area? Ive had a lump twice a while ago and the doctor said it was something to do with the hair folicle. Go to a doctor and get it checked out, at the end of the day its your health and if your embarrased about letting a doctor look at you more than your own health well then thats just silly!
yeah I do but I explained in that area so females kinda know where I mean and there is a lump because I can feel and see it
The thing is i'm really worried in going to see a doctor especially looking at that area.

I could understand the embarassment factor that could possibly occur, but remember they are trained and will see more genital placed lumps bumps etc than youd give them credit for, and wouldnt bat an eyelid.
Reply 7
Definitely see a doctor - they'll be very understanding and professional. You can ask for a female doctor if that'd make you feel more at ease? Whatever it is, you know that they've seen it before, so there's no reason to feel embarrassed.
The thing is i'm really worried in going to see a doctor especially looking at that area.
Well you can't be that worried then, if you wont even go to the doctor.
Sounds like something I had not long ago. I thought it was a wart (eep!) but I went to see a doctor, and she had a little look and she said straight away "yep, that's a little cist" (or however you spell it). She said it was probably because I shaved, and that it's just got a little bit swollen because it's got a little bit infected, and that it would go away really soon. And it did (i.e. within a week or two). Seriously though, they've seen it all a million times before... all you've got to do is get up on that little bed, pull your jeans down, and she'll be all "yup, you're fine". It's definitely worth it for the reassurance :smile:
Well you can't be that worried then, if you wont even go to the doctor.

well I amespecially as I have not been to a doctor for anything like this before.
Reply 11
I have been reading the post and i agree with the majority of the people above. Go to the doctor. None of us are medically qualified and even if we were we wouldnt be able to diagnose you over the internet, although we can offer advice its best to go to the doctors. There is nothing to be embarrased about doctors would have seen it all. After all its your health you should be worried about not your embarrasment. Please go to the doctor.

Good luck :biggrin: