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I heard you got expelled if you pulled any [large] sort of practical joke..?

Edit: Btw, that better not be true...
Reply 2
You can't ride the horse at Jesus :frown:
Is it true that you're not allwed to work part-time at all in term time?
Reply 4
I kinda meant stuff like - you can walk on the grass on a full moon and weird stuff like that
Reply 5
Is it true that you're not allwed to work part-time at all in term time?

That's what I've heard. I'm not sure what they do to stop you though. I know you can work for the uni; things like clearing drinks away at the Balls etc.
Reply 6
-x- Lici
I kinda meant stuff like - you can walk on the grass on a full moon and weird stuff like that

To obtain your final honours you have to perform a ritual sacrifice of some sort. It's fallen into disuse over the past hundred years though
Is it Catz that has the rule 'Noone in college may own a cat' so the college cat is a dog in the records.
Reply 8
Is it true that you're not allwed to work part-time at all in term time?

The university doesn't have rules on that, but some colleges do. Have a look at the college rules and regulations when you matriculate.
Reply 9
ok i've got to ask, what's the lo-down on blu-tack?
(esp at caius if anyone knows)
Reply 10
Stupid rule at Clare : No fridges in the rooms. I got a very compact little fridge for Xmas which consumes less power than a lightbulb, and that is only when the compressor is on, which is only about 5 mins an hour. Nevertheless, "the colleges power outlets are not designed for such appliances" so I have to get rid of it. *Rant rant*

mr jim
ok i've got to ask, what's the lo-down on blu-tack?
(esp at caius if anyone knows)

Good lord no, it's banninated! The walls, the walls!
Reply 11
Stupid rule at Clare : No fridges in the rooms.

But my boyfriend and his friend have a fridge in their set in Old Court. :confused:
Reply 12
But my boyfriend and his friend have a fridge in their set in Old Court. :confused:

Lucky them :rolleyes:

Most of us aren't allowed them. Is it because they don't have a kitchen on their staircase or something?
Reply 13
But my boyfriend and his friend have a fridge in their set in Old Court. :confused:

*shrug* I'm in Mem Court.

And they possibly have some kind of "excuse". Like a girl I know is allowed a freezer because she is vegetarian. In fact, I was recommended by some second years to say I was jewish (don't reckon I could pull off muslim!), then I could have gotten away with it. Twisted system.
For some reason I'm allowed to use pins to hold up pictures on the wall, but not bluetak. So they are happy for me to put holes in the plaster and paint, but not put a couple of blue dots on the wall.
Reply 15
Is it because they don't have a kitchen on their staircase or something?
They have a tiny kitchen between them and the girls' set on the other side. Maybe the fridges in the kitchen are the girls' fridges and there's no room for the boys' fridges in the kitchen too. I'm not sure. But neither of the boys have 'special' reasons as far as I'm aware. Maybe they just got lucky.
And they possibly have some kind of "excuse". Like a girl I know is allowed a freezer because she is vegetarian. In fact, I was recommended by some second years to say I was jewish (don't reckon I could pull off muslim!), then I could have gotten away with it. Twisted system.

Why does being vegetarian mean you need a freezer?

(Although, I probably shouldn't question, because I'm veggie and I may flaunt it to get bizarre rewards if it seems to work)
If you get rusticated (expelled):

1. You get carried out of Cambridge in an open coffin
2. Your gown is (possibly) ripped up and burnt before your eyes.
3. You can NEVER come within 15 miles of Cambridge ever again, ever.

Fact! Though very rarely used nowadays...

Other interesting facts:

1. The university has its own policemen, who have the same legal power and jurisdiction as real policemen within a 3 mile radius of Great St. Mary's church.

2. The University has its own courts, which can try offenders.

3. A certain field belonging to King's must have at least one cow on it otherwise it becomes Clare land again. Correct me if I'm wrong, Visesh, but I don't see a cow on it at the moment... :biggrin:
Reply 18
If you get rusticated (expelled):

1. You get carried out of Cambridge in an open coffin
2. Your gown is (possibly) ripped up and burnt before your eyes.
3. You can NEVER come within 15 miles of Cambridge ever again, ever.

Well for starters, rusticated doesn't mean "expelled".
I have no idea where the whole gown thing comes from, but I've been in Cambridge for three years now and I don't own a gown so that could be difficult.
The "mock funeral" stuff went out in Medieval times.
The whole "not coming within a certain distance from Gt. St. Mary's Church" thing is to stop people who have degraded (dropping a year behind, usually for medical reasons) from gaining an advantage in the exams by still attending lectures etc, and isn't permanent.

1. The university has its own policemen, who have the same legal power and jurisdiction as real policemen within a 3 mile radius of Great St. Mary's church.

Well... it has constables, who have the same power of arrest as any other sworn constable. This includes the police, and a few other strange organisations.
They don't have stuff like a police station, or any way of holding somebody, so their role is basically to dress up in silly clothes and do crowd control at big events (which which would otherwise need the police present). I don't think they're paid.
Oh and it's within 5 miles of Gt. St. Mary's.

2. The University has its own courts, which can try offenders.

IIRC, for Junior members, the University calls it disiplinary body the "court", while the body handling the appeals are called the Septemviri. It's not a "court" in the traditional sense.

3. A certain field belonging to King's must have at least one cow on it otherwise it becomes Clare land again. Correct me if I'm wrong, Visesh, but I don't see a cow on it at the moment... :biggrin:

Not a clue. I'm not a King's person.
The colleges tend to be far more wierd than the University itself, so maybe, but you're not looking like the most reliable source at the moment :mad:
Reply 19
Is it true that you're not allwed to work part-time at all in term time?

In most cases this is very true but there is little colleges can do to enforce the rule. Having said that, time is at such a premium in an 8 week term that there is little time for work. There a noteable few exceptions. Some college bars are staffed by students, as is my college library. The University Officer Training Corps (OTC) and its RAF and Naval equivalents are voluntary organisations which offer good pay for having fun. Im in the OTC and have earnt over £400 so far this term.