The Student Room Group

Extramural Year

I'm hoping to go to kings for my undergraduate degree...
At kings they have this thing called an extramural year..and you can do your work experience/study in another foreign country for an extra year..apparently this looks really good on your C.V. and it's an amazing opportunity..You can pick to do your extra year studying in another foreign university or to do work experiece depending on your course and aspirations. You can pick from countries like California, Los Angeles, Singapore, Australia or E.U. Countries..
I was interested in doing my extramural year in a pharmaceutical company in Singapore. This will involve me doing a dissitation during the year and come back for my 3rd year and finish off my degree... I was wondering if anyone else was interested in the Extramural year because apparently (i was told by a kings tutor at the Biomedical Sciences Open Day) that most students do not want to take part in the Extramural year because it means coming back in the third year and finding your other peers will be a year ahead of you...and you'l be in the year below..but its just too much of an amazing opportunity to miss..wouldn't you agree??? :confused:

dali (2).jpg
Reply 1
If you want to do it, go for it...
Hi, it’s been 16 years, hope you’re doing well!

I’m now in the same position and I was wondering if you could give us an update :smile: