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boyfriends and fights

I just dont know what to do and I dont really understand what is going on. I have been with my BF for 2,5 year now and in the beggining evrth was so pinky and wonderful but recently we started to argue and fight so much, and we do it for really stupid things...We love each other a lot and cant live without each other, we are like addicted to each other, but sometimes I get so tired of every day fighting..and I need some tips how to stop it and change the sutiation, anyone has the same problem? :tsr2:
Reply 1
What do you fight about?
Reply 2
yup, and its so annoying cos its over the same stupid things. we never argue about major stuff but bicker and fall out about stupid stuff. but then make up an hour later, one of us always makes a move to apologise it's really annoying and gets me down cos i never want to be mad at him, its just something that seems to happen and i can't really stop but i am trying my hardest not to get mad at him and vice versa! btw we've been going out for just over two years. x
Reply 3
I'm having a simular problem with one of my best friends at the moment... part of me thinks we have to go our own seperate way because what we have just doesn't work anymore for me, but as soon as I'm faced with actually telling him this I can't actually do it. Then I feel guilty for even thinking what I did. I have no idea what to do. It's driving me mad - I can't concentrate at the moment because I'm always distracted (24/7) thinking about this.

All I can say, is try talking to your close friends who know you both, who know about your history and whats going on now... see what they think.
Reply 4
yeah, it is just so stupid to fight about nothing!!!!! I am reading a book now men are from mars women are from venus, about relationships and it helps :smile: it helps to understand more about my BF and i really hope he will read this book, coz he wil start to understand me better too :smile:
the problem with relationships is...the closer you are emotionally to that person, the worse your fights get. everything was just peachy in the beginning too...then the fights got worse
I think the closer you are, the more personaly you take evrth and the more you expect from your partner, and then when he/she doesnt do or behave how u expect them to or want them to, you get not just upset, but dissapointed...and then u take it personaly and it affects ur relationships in a negative way... :frown: it is impossible to change it
Reply 7
I've been with my girlfriend for nearly 3 years now and it is exactly the same situation but I think we've pretty much worked through it. Basically we have petty arguments over stupid things that don't matter... and ironically we try alot harder to put things right in real arguments which flare up big time... because we know in the long term we don't want problems.

Trivial fights are part of a relationship but being able to laugh about them and get over them quickly is the best way to resolve them... next time you start having a pointless argument I recommend you say, 'Listen to what the hell we are arguing about! IT'S STUPID!' Hopefully you'll stop having them and when you do have them in future (you won't stop them) they won't bother you.
Reply 8
daily friction. take little breaks from eachother. my boyfriend and I fight sometimes..we have been together a year now...[feels great to say that hehe] and we usually fight about small things too... we just take a few hours off from eachother.
daily friction. take little breaks from eachother. my boyfriend and I fight sometimes..we have been together a year now...[feels great to say that hehe] and we usually fight about small things too... we just take a few hours off from eachother.

Yeah I agree, you can see too much of someone :smile:
When I was with my bf we started to argue after few moths probably due to the amount of time we spent together
Saying that though if you get to the point where you argue more than don't its bad sugn, happened to me and few weeks later he dumped me :frown:
Reply 10
Yeah I agree, you can see too much of someone :smile:
When I was with my bf we started to argue after few moths probably due to the amount of time we spent together
Saying that though if you get to the point where you argue more than don't its bad sugn, happened to me and few weeks later he dumped me :frown:

ooh babes. hugs!! yeah what u said about bad sign is totally right!
ooh babes. hugs!! yeah what u said about bad sign is totally right!

Thanks dude :smile: *hugs*
Reply 12
yeah, I also think it can be a bad sign...smth must be wrong...may be coz we are in distant relationships..but I know for sure - we love each other a lot and I want to put as much support as I can to save the relationships..I just know he worths it :smile:
Think you and your b/f need a long talk and find out what is causing you to fight like this.
Reply 14
I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now and we do the same thing from time to time, and I do think it's due to the amount of time we spend with each other, so breaks from each other by going out with your friends or not seeing each other for a day or so can help...
I've found that it can happen in any relationship whether it just be friendship or girlfriend/boyfriend..everyone needs some space from time to time
Reply 15
I just wonder then, if the more you are with ur BF/GF, and the more close you are, the more u have fights, what is the point of relationships then???I dont get it!! For me a couple is a team, right, and if after a long period of being together couple starts to have battles all the time, what is the point ??? :frown:
Reply 16
You just need to find out what it is you're fighting about..I know a big basis of mine and my boyfriends arguments is because I literally do everything for him, he even jokes about me being his mother, but I can't just leave him to it or he never washes his clothes or cleans up after himself and I hate my room being in a mess..if you can find out what the problem is then you can find ways to get around it. But you still can't just have a life with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you need a seperate life to him and things you can do on your own and not in a team.