The Student Room Group

question to ladies . .

Ok so this is possibly gona sound quite ridiculous. But its something im tempted to do, maybe because its different from the norm?
I know theres been previous posts on this so i guess its done quite often.
Non-serious replies also welcome :p:

Background is: been with my girlfriend for a few months. Things seem to be going ok. We've done the usual going for dates/cinema/dinners/ etc.
I feel like i'm slowly becoming unoriginal with what we do in our time together. Not that she seems to mind but i dont want her getting 'bored' of me.

So what would you define as a 'night under the stars?'
Like what would you expect of it, would it be spontaneous or planned etc.
Or more importanly, would it be something you'd wana do?

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Night under the stars? If you mean literally, it's a bit chilly isn't it....
Reply 2
Hehe true. I suppose it's quite romantic (and cheesy, but that's okay) on a summer night.
Reply 3
Yeah exactly - demonstrating my total lack of forward thinking :frown:

OK maybe ur meaning 'the whole night'

LOL no - just like a little while. I duno. Just to be different.

And now i feel quite positively stupid for having to post on a forum to get advice for something like this (thank god for the anonymous feature)
Reply 4
cool idea but for the summer. A nice BBQ and some cold beer, sleeping bags...makes you feel really close

(I know this is a question for the ladies but i'v done it before!!)
Reply 5
All night (then sleep in a tent :p: ) or just a while - doesn't matter. :smile: I think it'd be sweet. Bring wine and cookies.
Reply 6
spontaneous stuff.. i would love that.

and hey - at least you go out places. with my boyfriend, it's usually round his for a quickie, aaand then he goes and plays mohaa or something dumb on his computer for the rest of the time i am there. now, isn't that interesting?

no, but seriously.. do something real spontaneous.. when she comes over one day, just say 'i have a suprise'... and then go. it's more or less guarenteed she iwll like it if she knows how much effort you put into it, and it is nice and romantic.

though maybe it is best to wait until summer. summer is the best time for night time walks and visits to the park.. ahh.. yes, long summer days in the park, sitting on a blanket eating sandwiches without a care in the world.. weeh.
Reply 7
Ok seems like it might be cool. I'll wait until summer cos i dont want her to get cold.
(shud have thought of this - im currently slapping myself)

Reply 8
keep each other warm?? :wink:
Reply 9
Interesting idea here...I might have to steal it...
That is a really sweet idea. Tell her to wrap up warm though!! Some people on here have dirt minds!! Sitting under the stars doesn't have to involve THAT....
It's 2006; perhaps a woman could be expected to take the initiative, and to suggest something for the two of you to do on a date, as opposed to 'getting bored' at how 'unoriginal' her boyfriend is being (after all, everything has to be down to the bloke, doesn't it?)?

No, actually, that's probably being too hopeful....
Ok so this is possibly gona sound quite ridiculous. But its something im tempted to do, maybe because its different from the norm?
I know theres been previous posts on this so i guess its done quite often.
Non-serious replies also welcome :p:

Background is: been with my girlfriend for a few months. Things seem to be going ok. We've done the usual going for dates/cinema/dinners/ etc.
I feel like i'm slowly becoming unoriginal with what we do in our time together. Not that she seems to mind but i dont want her getting 'bored' of me.

So what would you define as a 'night under the stars?'
Like what would you expect of it, would it be spontaneous or planned etc.
Or more importanly, would it be something you'd wana do?

ooh cuddling under the night sky in huge comforters on a picnic blanket...mmmmmmm never got the chance to do that though...:P
Reply 13
yea i reckon most girls would find that really romantic. esp if they know how much effort you had put into the idea. Make sure you pick a night when there is a full moon. I think you should make it spontanous, just be all mysterious and tell her to meet you somewhere random where she'll have no clue of whats coming up.
But i agree with other posts - i think you should wait until the summer. Shivering doesnt exactly set the mood. and also in summer the nights are generally more clear.
Your gf would love that :smile: a night under the stars is something I've always wanted to experience but its either too cold or nowhere to go!
Wait until warmer weather and surprise her :smile:
Reply 15
a luxurious tent, with masses of pillows and blankets and quilts and a bottle of champagne would sort me out. And you could just light masses of candles outside the tent in a heart shape. Aww. bless

EDIT Note: Outside the tent....
Reply 16
a luxurious tent, with masses of pillows and blankets and quilts and a bottle of champagne would sort me out. And you could just light masses of candles outside the tent in a heart shape. Aww. bless

But be really careful with them, because candles + nylon tent = BAD idea.
Reply 17
Ah, yes. Will edit :biggrin:
Reply 18
But be really careful with them, because candles + nylon tent = BAD idea.
:rofl: This is so Helenia. :wink: No offence pet.

You could do it next to a lake maybe. :smile:
Reply 19
:rofl: This is so Helenia. :wink: No offence pet.

You could do it next to a lake maybe. :smile:

Have you seen how fast those tents go up? You'd have to camp IN the lake to stand any chance of putting it out before you were left with a few plasticky puddles.

The idea is great, but I agree on leaving it till summer.