I am placed on the reserve list for Liverpool and they told me there are 50 places available to read medicine at Lancaster Uni with exactly the same curriculum and graduate with a Liverpool degree.
Is any one in the same boat? I was told to be informed of whether or not offered a place at Lancaster either this month or August. Has anyone heard? How does a reserve list work? Does it come like an offer or what ?
I am placed on the reserve list for Liverpool and they told me there are 50 places available to read medicine at Lancaster Uni with exactly the same curriculum and graduate with a Liverpool degree.
Is any one in the same boat? I was told to be informed of whether or not offered a place at Lancaster either this month or August. Has anyone heard? How does a reserve list work? Does it come like an offer or what ?
I posted something on this last week - can't remember if it was on here though, or on TSR.
Basically, just over 100 new medicine placs have been created in England, with just over 50 going to a consortium of Northern Universities. You don't have anything to do with Liverpool, other than you follow their curriculum and they award the degree. Preclinical is taught at Lancaster, with clinicals out in Cumbria and Lancashire.
Not to delibrately promote another forum (!), but there is a big discussion on this in the liverpool section of msg. Mostly just what fluffy said, but some extra info I can't remember about august.