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Reply 1
Oh. dear. me.

Do not, whatever you do...say "thank you" after a kiss. it's lame and desperate and a multitude of other things.

you dont have to say anything. silence is golden.
Reply 2
How do you know hes a really good kisser? Dont let that worry you :smile: Everyone has to have a first time!
Try not to worry just go with the flow :smile:
when I had my first kiss I was really scared but it comes naturally promise
And kissing anyone new is daunting so I'm sure he will be nervous too
Reply 4
Ok im going on my first date in a couple of weeks-and the guy im going out with-is a great kisser!! The thing is I've never had my first kiss!! And Im so in love with him and adore him to pieces and I know he feels the same way. What if I make a fool of myself? What should I say after? "Thank you?!!" Please help!!!

What do you say after?? Nothing! Whatever you feel like saying (I wouldn't advise you say "Marry me", might scare him off) Or just "Mmmm, that was nice.' Seriously though, don't worry about it..if the chemistry is right then you can't go far wrong! Enjoy
Reply 5
Thanks guys but HELPPPP!!!! because i really like this guy!! i dont want to do/say anything stupid!!!
Bow to him, c'mon basic respect to such a well-respected kisser
Reply 7
Just let it happen, dont be nervous because that will make you do stupid things, first kiss is natural. Nobody on their first kiss knows what to do but like I said it will come naturally.
After the kiss again dont go all chit chatty because it may spoil the moment and therefore possibly make you look youself nervous.
Reply 8
Tell him you acquainted with Dimez; that should, undoubtedly, serve to subdue him.
Ok im going on my first date in a couple of weeks-and the guy im going out with-is a great kisser!! The thing is I've never had my first kiss!! And Im so in love with him and adore him to pieces and I know he feels the same way. What if I make a fool of myself? What should I say after? "Thank you?!!" Please help!!!

omg i think i now who you, don't worry i won't blow it for you but don't worry too much...but if you are you can do what my best friend Shakya said....practice on a pillow or friend.
you don't have to kiss him.... it's not like there is much pressure, unless he is significantly older than you.
DON'T do what I did which was to ask the guy 'do you want to kiss me?' to which the only polite thing to say was 'yes.'
I am so glad that was like...4 years ago..
Keep the teeth away whatever you do.
Not nice...
Reply 13
You dont have to do or say anything. Just let him do the work. Lol.

Smile afterwards though...:smile:.
DON'T do what I did which was to ask the guy 'do you want to kiss me?' to which the only polite thing to say was 'yes.'
I am so glad that was like...4 years ago..

Or what I did.

Ask for marks out of 10 afterwards.

Reply 15
Don't say anything! Just smile or something, but don't try and compliment/thank him for it!
Reply 16
Don't think about it! Let it come naturally. The more you think about it, the more nervous you'll get and you won't enjoy it so much!

Have fun! :smile:
Reply 17
just be cool. Remember, never pull you tongue too deep in, it's a turn off. Also don't move too fast. Take it gentle. Normally if a guy is a good kisser, he'll lead it. Don't worry.
Reply 18
All this panicking is unnecessary! When you're with him don't keep thinking "KISSKISSKISSKISSKISS" cos that'll just make it all unnatural and awkward when it happens. The best thing you can do is forget about it, enjoy chatting to him, and hopefully he'll make the first move and you can just follow his lead. I promise you'll be a better kisser if you don't try and plan it too much than if you obsess.

(By the way, I bet his mates put around that story about him being a good kisser to intimidate you :wink:)
Ok im going on my first date in a couple of weeks-and the guy im going out with-is a great kisser!! The thing is I've never had my first kiss!! And Im so in love with him and adore him to pieces and I know he feels the same way. What if I make a fool of myself? What should I say after? "Thank you?!!" Please help!!!

Swetty, just realx... I don't thinK it's necessary to say thanks to him. For me, saying thanks to that guy will sound funny. i think all you need to do is to give him a sweet smile after the kissing part:biggrin: . And also, If you don't really know how to kiss, just let him do it and you can try to kiss a little bit while he's kissing you. as time pass you'll get better :wink: .