The Student Room Group
Reply 1
You'd unfortunately, be charged with outraging public decency; isn't usually a prison offence though thankfully :redface: I personally am against it being wrong; sex outdoors must be so fun! :ninja:
Reply 2
SEX IN PUBLIC PLACES is legal between heteros and lesbians (but not gay men) if it does not cause alarm or distress - so "dogging" is legal if it is in a secluded place. However, if you have sex in a place where you are likely to be seen by the general public, for example in the street, you would be contravening the Sexual Offences Act because alarm would have been caused. There is always the risk, however, of prosecution for "outraging public decency" (Common Law Offence).

but i dunno what the punishment would be...maybe a caution on first time?
Indecent exposure= lynching
what about if it was in the toilets in a bar :smile:
sex in public is just the wrong. sex outside sounds good tho.
Ummm…die of embarrassment? ^o)
Reply 8
what about if it was in the toilets in a bar :smile:

Then it's not in public. It's just a bit cramped and minging. Not that that stops a lot of people :rolleyes:
Reply 9
I dont know many people that would be that stupid to have sex in a busy public place. Maybe in a park when the days getting on a bit behind a bush, but apart from that..