The Student Room Group

obsessed sister

My sister is 15 or 16 can't remember but shes obsessed with exersise and health shes always eating salad and cereal, going out for runs but recently shes been complaining about going to school. She says that sitting down all day isn't healthy for circulation blah blah and shes not getting enough excersise. I don't think its a mental illness or anything I think she just wants to be a good runner for her club. Whats the answer to all this:confused:
Reply 1
She may be over-reacting a little, but i have many of the same habits as you mentioned your sister has, and i think im normal, lol! It could be mild OCD if it gets any worse.
Reply 2
It's probably just a phase - a lot of people my year went through this when we were in year 10. Try not to worry about it too much anyhow.
Reply 3
Next she'll be saying it's unhealthy for her to be going to sleep, due to all the lying around involved. This seems quite dumb, and it'll hopefully pass, if not you might just want to pass her a few words of wisdom :P
Reply 4
i hate sitting aswell, im scared of gettin DVT, lol.