The Student Room Group

Harmless flirting?? Or does he like me too?

Hey Everyone...Just wanted to ask a quick question actually.... I've know this guy for about 4 years now and I really like him...(well I've only recently started liking him in that way) We get along okay as friends...Now and then we chat to each other on MSN and he's usually his charming self...just normal. We always make flirty jokes with each other but on neutral grounds...i.e. we don't get too personal...

However, I had a very interesting conversation with him recently in which if I didnt know any better, I'd say he was flirting with me but VERY differently...I dont want to go into too much detail but could it be that he likes me too? ...He was making jokes about me and him and about being together...Bluff or double bluff??? And am i reading too much into this???

Sooo confused and this is why i hate MSN because I could read body language if he was here in person... Thing is he is such a nice person that i can' t see this as another joke...I' sure you will tell me if I'm wrong...LOL..

Any tips as to how I should tell him how I feel...(Although I think he knows I like him already though...

Really would appreciate the imput

Reply 1
Hints and tips usually get thrown out the window in situations like this. Take it as it comes in my advice.
Reply 2
Psh! It is always girls who ask this question! I wish guys would be more decisive and just ask a girl out if they like them. Although I agree you should not look into it, I think it sounds like he could be considering asking you out, maybe he needs some encouragement O.o' HELL IF I KNOW!

I'm a traditionalist I'd wait for him to ask you XD, but if he takes too long, ask him to a movie or some stereotypical thing! :smile:
Reply 3
thats the fishy thing about msn, you can only tell their mood by display pics. which arent always too helpful, do you guys talk majority on the net? i say cing as hes a friend give him a call and have a chat? then you can tell more by the tone of his voice. or go right ahead and flirt more face to face!!
Reply 4
thats the fishy thing about msn, you can only tell their mood by display pics. which arent always too helpful, do you guys talk majority on the net? i say cing as hes a friend give him a call and have a chat? then you can tell more by the tone of his voice. or go right ahead and flirt more face to face!!

Yeh we used to go to the same college so MSN was not needed but now we go to the same uni, we hardly see each other so MSN is the only way. Well ringing is an option I guess, but he's quite the socialite and so there is always a large group of his guy mates around so that would make a simple phone call an embarassing situation. I always get good vibes from him face to face but i can't tell whether he's just being polite...What would be a good indicator that he feels the same way? This is given that he knows that I like him (not the full extent of course!)