The Student Room Group

Yes its another one of those does he like me threads!

First of all i do apologize for the stupid post, i know other people have much more serious problems than i but.. i am in need of other peoples opinions.

Right heres the scenario. My friend is in this band, so we went to see them on valentines day at this event. The lead singer kept looking at me whilst singing, *obvious staring * and smiling etc.. Even afterwards he kept making eyes at me... ah it sounds like an arctic monkeys song!

Anyway so the other day we went to the union where some bands were playing, and he was in control of sound and stuff. So he knows my friend being in the band. They were talking and he looked at me, so later he comes over. Of course he keeps glancing at me while everyone is just stood there watching the bands playing. In between bands playing they played really cool indie music, and we are scientists came on so we were both there singing along, again there were eye glances my way and smiles. So we sit down and he looks at my wrist band (as it was a breast cancer one) and says something and then looks at my clothes and says something else. I couldn't figure it out, but more indie tunes came on and we both were rocking out to the music!

Soo.. later we all go off to play pool, and he comes along.. so tomorrow is international womens day. And i said rock on in response to the poster on the wall and he pushes me saying "pah womens day! I want a mans day". Of course i flew further than anticipated and he apologized saying he felt like a wife beater.

During pool he comes up to me and asks what my passion was in life.. we had a discussion/debate about whether poetry has to be regulated to be classified as poetry (syllables etc..)

Soo whenever i made a mistake at pool i laughed it off and he kept smiling... so then he goes over to talk to these two other girls. My friend was like "he was quick to talk to those!"

Soo all my friends leave apart from me and one other. The guitarist dude asks whether we want to play them at pool.. so obviously i stay! He touched me on the arm and talks to me.. he also does that to his male friend so i presume its just his nature. We all spend an extra hour or so talking about music, then me and my friend walk back with him as its on the way to our halls, another half an hour is spent walking back slowly (on a 3 min journey back) debating about whether mcfly are better than the strokes. His friend walks by and asks whether he is wanting to shag his other male friend and he says "i have no one to shag"... then he shakes our hands. It was weird with my handshake as it was a long one and neither one of us knew when to stop. Then we depart, and he says to both of us see you soon.

But i don't think the way his body language was that he liked me, and was was talking to those girls for a while. Yet my friends were like, "get off with him.. pull him etc.." Guys are so confusing, especially telling the difference between friendliness and flirtiness.
Reply 1
i'm a guy, and i can tell you that, yeh he likes you... well, finds you attractive, at the very least... specially if he's been throwing looks at you and all... and spending an *gulp* hour of his time talkin about music with you... just shows that he wants to find out if you're worth talking or not...

but his way of dealing with galz is different from mine :s-smilie:

lol, does he throw a normal smile or like a perverted smile?

it really also depends on if you like him or not...?


keep up with him (Y)
the fact that he was talking to other girls doesn't mean anything. i bet you talked to other boys during the night? it sounds like he likes you. i think you should try openly flirting with him some more.
Sounds promising. Just flirt with him and see how it goes.
Reply 4
God I hate it when (in such circumstances) guys just shake your's happened with me with someone I like and I find it infuriating :p: Can't they be *slightly* more imaginative??
Reply 5
Its a cute smile whether that be classed as perverted who knows....

Hes really fit.. and nice so yeah i do like him in that respect... yes i sound very shallow! I do apologize. I am not generally a very flirty person, though many men seem to stick to me like flies. :confused: