The Student Room Group
What did she actually say to you?
Reply 2
are you a guy or a girl?

if you're a guy, and you ran away from her, then go up to her and ask her for your balls back first, you wuss...

if you're a girl, refer to the post by little_red_sox

What did she actually say to you?
Reply 3
When I was at school I had to take a message to a classroom and this chav bully was saying something to me so I mouthed at her to **** off (she had slammed a door in my face a few days before...complete and utter bitch). She then went mental and stormed out after me when I went back to my own classroom. Then at lunchtime her and her gang came after me and threatened to beat me up so I had to say sorry because I wanted to keep hold of my kneecaps.

So, err, the moral of the story is...keep your head down.
Reply 4
Yep, you always get people like this, the real skill is being able to spot them a mile off and avoiding them when possible.
Reply 5
So, err, the moral of the story is...keep your head down.

No, the moral of the story is to pretend that you're queer.

Trust me, when you pretend that your gay, that really scares them and they back away every slowly and never speak to you again.
Reply 6
why would pretending to be gay scare the girls away ?
Reply 7
why would pretending to be gay scare the girls away ?

Chavs are homophobic. It's natural to them.
Reply 8
So, err, the moral of the story is...keep your head down.

Stuff that! I've always stood up for myself, don't let them take your dignity away, plus the satisfaction of beating the **** out of a chav is enormously satisfying!