The Student Room Group



My best friend recently started going out with a new boyfriend, and she's crazy about him. At first, I was really happy for her - she's happy, he's really sweet and they literally worship each other. Problem is, it's getting to the extent that she worships him so much that she has no other topic of conversation, and much as I like her, there's only so many times I can stand listening to her cooing over their sex life or the sweet things he's done for her! She's also now putting her almost hourly phone/msn conversations with him over both her work and her friends, and I'm not the only person feeling completely ignored. Am I being ridiculous, or is it fair that I'm getting more and more pissed of with her for it? I know that I should be absolutely over the moon for her in that she's found 'the man of her dreams', but I frankly have given up caring!
Reply 1
Give her time.

Most people are like this when they feel like they have met the love of their lives. She will relise soon enough that her friends mean more to her then her new Bo.
Reply 2
Time? They've been going out since Christmas! You would have thought they'd be over the infatuation period by now!
Reply 3
Then give her more time...and be happy for her....more.
Reply 4
Time? They've been going out since Christmas! You would have thought they'd be over the infatuation period by now!

Its only two months. I havn't seen my best mate in four months because she is always visiting her girlfriend at uni or she's working.

Me and my other best mate are planning to kidnap her shortly and drag her to the pub.
i think all relationships have different length 'honeymoon periods.' my best friend started seeing her boyfriend the christmas before last and they are still very much in that loved-up exceedingly-but-excusably-smug state. However over the summer, when her manfriend was literally the only thing she could talk about, I had it out with her and told her how I felt: that she was side-lining the friends she had known for ten years for a guy she had only known for one. It's hard not to sound just bitter and single saying that, but I know that had she broken up with her boyfriend at that moment in time, she wouldn't have been happy with the state of some of her friendships.

Mates before dates, that's what I say!
Reply 6
i think all relationships have different length 'honeymoon periods.' my best friend started seeing her boyfriend the christmas before last and they are still very much in that loved-up exceedingly-but-excusably-smug state. However over the summer, when her manfriend was literally the only thing she could talk about, I had it out with her and told her how I felt: that she was side-lining the friends she had known for ten years for a guy she had only known for one. It's hard not to sound just bitter and single saying that, but I know that had she broken up with her boyfriend at that moment in time, she wouldn't have been happy with the state of some of her friendships.

Mates before dates, that's what I say!

You've obviously never been in love :rolleyes: .
Reply 7
Wait untill the honeymoon period is up. Unfortunately you may have to then endure a period of her endlessly bitching about him. Such is life.
Reply 8
awh its sweet. we'd all do the same if we wer in love like dat
Reply 9
awh its sweet. we'd all do the same if we wer in love like dat

...and had the same mental capacity as you; making it impossible to speak about anything else, as evinced by the display of text language above.