The Student Room Group
Reply 1
2 days, 6 hours and maybe 45 mins, no! 35 mins
Reply 2
You dont say in your post if you have your own car or not. If you have then you could just go for a drive around a few quite roads, not far from home and see how it feels. If you havnt (and are having lessons) then can you at least sit in a car and press the pedals and see how it feels?

Nobody will be able to say how long - if you only did it yesterday then I would have thought you need to give it abit longer and see how it goes! Dont try and rush it and end up making it feel worse!
Hi everyone

Hoping someone can give me an idea of how soon after a sprained (right ) ankle it is to start driving again, sprained it quite badly yesterday, went to hospital and was basically just told to elevate it and take painkillers and start hobbling about after 24hrs. Obviously not very helpful.

I am starting to get about a bit now but wondered if anyone has any knowhow.


Be safe!

It's your right foot so if it's likely to have problems / cause large pain when pressing the brake hard then I'd say it's unsafe.
Reply 4
I just wondered if anyone else had done it and what the advice was from the docs though. I do have my own car, but I live in the sticks so getting to uni is a problem if I can't drive - and I've got a research paper due which I can't do if I can;t get to library to do the research. Damn feet!
Reply 5
Use a large stick to apply accelerator/brake! Didnt mr bean do somthing similar?
Not the same, but one of my knuckles on my left hand popped out... took about a week and a half before I could drive as I couldn't grip the steering wheel or gear stick!

It all depends on how you rest it - also, you don't to actually get in your car to see if you could do it, just sit in a chair and move your feet as if you were driving - that should give an indication as to whether you could do it or not.
Reply 7
You should rest it but if you're desperate just practice some left foot braking, accelerating with your right foot shouldn't be too difficult.
Left foot braking is useless if you don't have an auto....!
Reply 9
I sprained my right ankle last year. I left the driving for a little while till I was a lot better, as in walking around a lot-no need for elevation... And, when you do start driving then, I would advise you to wear an ankle supprt while driving. That helped me out a lot.
I sprained my ankle last Saturday night and wasn’t too bad - swollen but no visible bruising. I drove Monday evening and going to destination was fine. 45 mins . But driving back was painful and clearly has aggravated it. So I’d say don’t drive for st least a week. I wish I hadn’t .