The Student Room Group

problems with medical staff

I've been seeing a psychiatrist and CPN (,i.e. Community Psychiatric Nurse) for over a year now.

The psychiatrist is OK but the CPN bothers me. He is always saying that I "should" be religious and that a lack of religion signals bad mental health. I doubt that's true since all of the millions of atheists/agnostics in the world cannot ALL be mentally ill as a result of not being religious. It doesn't seem logical really. The thing is I don't really WANT to be religious.

Personally I think he's simply mixing his personal values into his professional judgements and work. And I think this issue is hindering my efforts to get well again.

What should I do?
ignore him and say polietly that religion isnt your thing and you would appreciate if he kept his lectures for someone eho cares because your free to ave yor own opinions, beliefs whatever and a true christian shouldnt force their religion and they shouldnt judge you because your not exactly the same as them.
Reply 2
I've been seeing a psychiatrist and CPN (,i.e. Community Psychiatric Nurse) for over a year now.

The psychiatrist is OK but the CPN bothers me. He is always saying that I "should" be religious and that a lack of religion signals bad mental health.

What a load of crap. Just because you don't believe anything, doesnt mean you're in a bad mental state. Surely.
Reply 3
Report him, simple as. He is in a position of trust and is trying to make you scared. Report! Report!! Compare it to a doctor saying if you didn't go to church then you're unstable. Bit silly hey?
Can't you change him for someone else? I would also report him at the same time because you obviously have the capability to see that what he is saying isn't conducive to people recovering and he could be using this line on others who are more easily swayed shall we say. You'd be doing yourself and the other poor patients of his a favour!!
Reply 5
Please report him. Healthcare professionals of any sort should not be allowed to impose their own views nad he has very clearly overstepped the mark. You do not have to put up with that.
Mental illness is caused by an imbalance in the brain, it has nothing to do with religion.

I have OCD, depression and anxiety, and not once have I been told by the community psychiatric nurse that it's due to my religious beliefs.

As someone else has stated, just politely tell him that religion is not your thing, and your taxes haven't paid for him to try and convert you :smile: (that's if you pay taxes...)