The Student Room Group

Friends boyfriend

I made friends with a girl a few months ago and get along with her really well. She was always saying about her boyfriend who is 5 years older than her (she's 16) I was a bit off with it since they started going out when she was 13 but I figured that if they were happy there was no point in me just mouthing off about it.
Anyway after meeting him a few times (he drives and is how she gets around so if her friends go out he will go as well) I really started to hate him.
The first time I met him, me, her and 2 other friends had gone out (without him) and nearer the end of the night the 2 friends went off with two guys and suddenly he showed up screaming at his gf to 'Get in the ******* car!' and all this. He calmed down a bit later but I still don't know what that was about.
He is constantly trying to grope her friends, he once pinned me up a wall to grope at me, he leers at girl mates and makes comments - all in front of her.
I've talked to some of her friends (just asking them if they'd met him, did they get on with him etc) and a lot of them complained straight out that they didn't like him and a couple said he tends to hit her around and dominate her. I worried that they were making it up so I asked her about it and she said that in the past he'd punched her and grabbed her throat and stuff but she was just 'He's sorry about it, he won't do it again' and when I tried to say something she just rolled her eyes at me.
Her other friends don't want to get involved, one of them saying it's none of our business.
Her parents aren't really bothered with her and just let her do whatever she wants, I assume they're okay with him though since they let her stay round his house when she was only 13.

I want to help her in some way but I don't know what I can do. Any advice anyone?
Reply 1
ultimately its her choice. i think she is too young to appreciate whats happening. the only thing you can do is tell her parets.
but its none of your business. if you dont like him, just keep away from him. you's already made your views clear. theres nowt elses u can do
Reply 2
I agree with the above post in some respects, she needs your patience, love, and understanding. Your friend also needs you to encourage her to get help immediately from an adult, such as a parent or guidance counselor. Most of all, your friend needs you to listen to her without judging. Let your friend know that he or she has your full support.
It's a hard you risk your own safety to try and help her and probably lose her as a friend or do you let her get on with it and lost her a friend? She probably won't see that you are trying to help her as people in these situations will only want help when they ask for it. I'd just stick around for her but not going anywhere where he is. Then when she sees the light and what a piece of scum he obviously is then she will be able to come to you. Go to your local police station maybe and pick up leaflets for domestic abuse and councilling etc and give them to her, she might not use them but it may just open her eyes.
Good luck, but protect yourself don't let her put you in danger. And for god's sake her parents should be dealt with for allowing a 13yo to ...........