For over a year and a half I've kinda been depressed, but I figured it was just me, just how I am. I've had suicidal thoughts and have cut my arm last summer. Everything seems to go against me and I never seem good enough for people.
There's a girl who I had a crush on a couple of years back, then I asked her out. She said no, but I think that could be where the depression started. Since then my feelings for her haven't gone away. She started going out with a guy almost a year back. I never liked him, but it first happened at a party at my house and I hate seeing them together. I'm happy for them both, it's not like I want to see them break up or anything, it just kills me when they're together. The thing is, I try not to make it obvious, I try to behave like I'm okay with it.
They were planning a holiday this summer and initially invited me. Then the plans changed and they didn't invite me on the new holiday. I found out it's because they don't want me being there to jeopardise the holiday. The thing is, I had to find this out from someone else, because they never told me. Even though the girl said she really liked me and will really miss me at uni, I get the feeling that she doesn't really want to be around me.
Then last week I had absolutely no desire to go to school and really didn't want to see them. I missed some lessons, and now my parent's have found out because the sixth form secretary phoned them. I am ill today so I used the lie that I was ill last week and it caused me to kill some lessons. I don't think they're buying it.
I don't want to miss school, because I know how important the exams are this summer. I just felt like I had no option last week.
I was wondering if anyone with any experiences like this could give me any words of advice, or comfort! I'm expecting people to say things I don't want to hear, so don't be afraid. Please be honest.