The Student Room Group

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Never eat yellow snow.
Reply 2
Don't have serious conversations over MSN
Reply 3
If you're feeling ill, and have tried everything else, give up dairy products for a few weeks. If you begin to feel better, go and see your doctor. You may have a lactose intolerance. 12% of us have it.

Also, make sure you get enough calcium and iron. These can help prevent against two major problems in girls - anaemia and osteoperosis - in later life.

Reply 4

when your hair gets too long and to the point you can't see, either cut it or borrow a scrunchie from a girl.
Reply 5
Very few people who are interested in you "cannot phone" you for over a week...
Reply 6
Look at my serious post and everyone else's jokes :p:
Reply 7
Get enough sleep. Sleep is invaluable! :biggrin:
Reply 8
Don't try DIY amputation, phone a surgeon.
Reply 9
Don't try DIY amputation, phone a surgeon.

You could have told me that before! Damn, the hospital here I go...
*Goes to hospital, leaving a trail of blood dripping off of stump that was a leg this morning*
Reply 10
dont sleep with the toaster
Reply 11
Do not eat microwave meals - they are very very unhealthy!
Reply 12
Do not eat potato seeds
if u like the girl ask her out before its too late
:frown: Speaking from personal experience.

and now when i see her sometimes she blanks me and my heart hurts so bad:frown:
Reply 14
if u like the girl ask her out before its too late
:frown: Speaking from personal experience.

definitely!! 3-4 cames up to me and said " oh i want to date you" etc but i was already in a relationship...damn... and they loooked so good....
Reply 15
Do not eat potato seeds

what's wrong with potato seeds?
Don't drink 'diet' coke.
Reply 17
Once a cheater, always a cheater, until someone cheats on the cheater, then they stand a chance of mending their ways.
Reply 18
use protection when having sexual intercourse.

Reply 19
He who goes to bed with an itchy bum, wakes up with smelly fingers....