The Student Room Group
what are they? if they are those belts that u put round ur stomach and they like electrocute muscles, then yes they do work. I bought one and after bout one month there was a noticeable difference.

However, if you are not talking bout them then i will shut up :biggrin:
Reply 2
I tried one once and they dont work.
Reply 3
Did you actually improve muscle size? I already have a six pack, I just want to make it larger without doing load of boring sit ups!, will it work?
i think theyre talking about them. What difference did using one make? all ive heard is they are a waste of cash and rubbish.
noo waaay i love mine. it actually looked really toned, like i did a million sit-ups a day. and when i punch it... rock solid!! I was disbelieving at first but no, they do actually work
Reply 6
Which one did you get? How much was it?
Reply 7
i got one an its rly good. I think 10mins with one on a high intensity settin is the equivalent to about 600 sit ups or somethin daft.
You can get em on ebay brand new for next to nothing - 's where i got mine from lol :smile:
Reply 8
if you are on about those 'ab' belts, then no. they are completely useless, i assure you.
Reply 9
It's very lazy to take this route to get a toned body - just go down the gym/do situps!
Reply 10
Lose fat, do stomach exercises not crunches but perhaps some weighted ones or some hanging knee leg raises.
Reply 11
I'm too busy for that.
Reply 12
Also I've try going to the gym for a year but I wasn't seem an results.
Reply 13
you were doing everything wrong then. 'ab' belts do completely naff all, and whats the point in posting all this anonymously?