The Student Room Group
go out and enjoy yourself with your friends.
Reply 2
Yep, go out tonight and have fun. Its hard but after a while you will wonder why you were so upset in the first place.
Reply 3
Get laid.
Reply 4
if anyone truly answered this question with an easy method, they would get rich very very quickly.
Reply 5
Going out and having fun is a load of bull. Meeting other guys or girls would just be unfair to them because you're bound to compare them to your ex. Like I did. I made that mistake. I went out, met new people, compared them to my ex. And obviously, your ex always wins because you both had a special bond at one point in your life. The best advice I can give you is to give it time. Go out, but don't set an agenda. It will only make you think of your ex more. I know it's hard, but the best remedy and solution is time. And of course, awesome, understanding friends. :biggrin:
girl afraid
Get laid.

WOW!! Didn't expect that FROM A GIRL!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 7
WOW!! Didn't expect that FROM A GIRL!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Well, assuming the sex is good, it'll be a good cure.
No simply getting laid won't solve anything it will just make it worse.
Reply 9
girl afraid
Well, assuming the sex is good, it'll be a good cure.

You'd be comparing your poor sexual partner to your ex. Therefore, you'd be thinking about your ex a lot more. A good cure? I think not.
Original post by &#1108
You'd be comparing your poor sexual partner to your ex. Therefore, you'd be thinking about your ex a lot more. A good cure? I think not.

Yes, that's why I said assuming the sex is good.
Reply 11
girl afraid
Yes, that's why I said assuming the sex is good.

Yes, ok. Let's assume the sex is good. Now how does one come to a conclusion? There needs to be a ground for comparison. And who do you compare the sex to? Assuming you've had sex with your ex, you obviously compare it to your ex. So whilst having sex with someone else, you'll be thinking about your ex. And because you once had some sort of emotional connection with your ex, the sex with the ex would be better. How good the sex is takes into account the emotional side of things as well. And seeing as the OP wants advice on how to get over his ex, he obviously shared a special bond with her.
Original post by &#1108
Yes, ok. Let's assume the sex is good. Now how does one come to a conclusion? There needs to be a ground for comparison. And who do you compare the sex to? Assuming you've had sex with your ex, you obviously compare it to your ex. So whilst having sex with someone else, you'll be thinking about your ex. And because you once had some sort of emotional connection with your ex, the sex with the ex would be better. How good the sex is takes into account the emotional side of things as well. And seeing as the OP wants advice on how to get over his ex, he obviously shared a special bond with her.

If the sex is better, he's more likely to conclude "why did I even care?".

He's got to move on at some point. Are you affectively saying he should never sleep with anybody ever again?
I'm sure you have heard people on some American programmes talking about getting closure from the relationship, I really think this is one of the best ways to get over someone. Seven months ago I really liked someone but due to very strange circumstances I haven't seen them since then and I have honestly thought about it every day and never got over it but I know if I could see them again I would be happy even if they told me they never wanted to see me again. It would stop me wondering about what could have been because I would know it's definetly over. If your relationship wasn't definetly ended I'd recommend finding out where you stand so you don't have to think about it.
Other people's advice here would also work, I suppose a combination of everything will help you forget about them.
Reply 14
girl afraid
If the sex is better, he's more likely to conclude "why did I even care?".

He's got to move on at some point. Are you affectively saying he should never sleep with anybody ever again?

No, I said to give it time. He should get to know a person first before, as you put it, getting laid.