The Student Room Group

Problems with Counselling

I’ve a problem. It sounds so stupid but hey it’s getting me down. Ages ago, when I was younger (mid teens) there was this guy that wouldn’t leave me alone. He was basically everywhere, he followed me, stared at me, tried to hurt me, that kinda thing. I’ve got over that and I’m ok, but I’ve started to see a counsellor for a different reason, only I’m finding it so hard. It’s impossible to open up, and what’s more is I find it so hard because all she does is stare at me, and it brings up all these old feelings. I don’t like being looked at because quite simply I hate the way I look, and like I say it brings up all the horrible feelings associated with this guy. How am I supposed to get on from here? It’s like I have finally realised that I need a bit of help to get by (and believe me admitting that is so hard) but I can’t get the help because I’m so scared in counselling sessions. It probably doesn’t seem at all logical that I find her looking at me remind me of him looking at me but it makes sense in my head. It’s really stupid but does anyone else, who has had counselling, feel like that?
Hmm same kinda thing here...although I wonder what people (girls etc) are staring at, but people say I'm probably are too.

Anyway, maybe tell her. I know I would prefer a psychiatrist and just be on a couch freethoughting or whatever they call it. But that's expensive...just tell your counsellor about the staring. Good luck.

Also, even though you logically work out and realise WHY something is affecting you, after a long time etc, it can still be troubling you and the best way to solve it is to go to counselling/therapy. Just be as open as you can, only you and the threapist will know what was said.
They do it, as mine did till I told him I knew what he was doing hehe, to try and make you feel uncomfy so you feel the need to talk more. However I can't say it works on many people in that sort of situation. If you have explained the them that you don't like this method, ask if you can see a different person. Maybe a male , if you feel she's judging you as a woman?
Good Luck, hope it all works out x
Reply 3
Maybe change counsellor? One of the counsellors I had used to just sit and nod and it didn't help!! My counsellor now is much better. You might be better off finding out if there is someone else you can see.
Reply 4
I wouldn't feel comfortable with a male, and she's the only female there. :frown: Its probably me being stupid. I'd rather not go at all than have someone stare at me for an hour. I thought after I started going, I'd start feeling a bit better about going and maybe even tell people, but instead I dread going and feel worse. Thanks for all the replies btw.
maybe ask if you can talk back to back? xx
Seriously, you have to tell her about the staring. Once she realises that it's defeating the purpose, she'll stop!
Reply 7
Yes, telling her should sort out the problem. I'm sure she's used to odd requests, and I don't think your request is particularly odd, really!! You might feel a bit silly when you tell her, but surely it's worth it if it means you can start getting something out of your counselling sessions. I'm sure she won't mind at all! Good luck x x