The Student Room Group

Laxatives (abuse of)

Has anyone on here abused laxatives?

I have been doing it for months now and its getting quite silly. I know I have a problem but I cant seem to stop.

When I first used them, it would take a maximum of 3 tablets to completely clear out my system.. I mean sitting on the loo almost the whole night with crippling belly ache epmtying my insides out, but today I have realised I have taken 18 already. I don't even count them anymore.

Its so difficult to give up because i have had such lovely comments from people about how I have lost weight, but I have given them up before and my body just swells beyond beleif.

My insides hurt and i sometimes feel as though my guts are convulsing and i cant control it, nevermind the tragic accidents i have had when I couldnt get to the loo quick enough. I have even felt so sick after taking them I have spewed them back.

I am reading my own writing thinking I must be the biggest moron in the world. People just dont understand addiction.

Any advice guys?
Reply 1
just stop. you said it makes you feel bad and you know it's a stupid thing to do. what sort were you using?
Reply 2
They are stimulant laxarives called entrolax, although I have tried all sorts.

The hardest thing is swelling up when i stop taking them, Last time i looked heavier than I did before I started.. also I physically cannot go to the toilet if I don't take them. If I stopped and started putting weight on Id just go straight back onto them, I know I would, no matter how hard Id try not to.

Reply 3
laxatives make you lose weight? damn, do you think i should try, then? i have a beer belly...
Reply 4
They are stimulant laxarives called entrolax, although I have tried all sorts.

The hardest thing is swelling up when i stop taking them, Last time i looked heavier than I did before I started.. also I physically cannot go to the toilet if I don't take them. If I stopped and started putting weight on Id just go straight back onto them, I know I would, no matter how hard Id try not to.


the sweeling is like withdrawal symptoms. you're expected to have them. just try taking more water and fibre and watching what you eat. after a week or so,the swelling will reduce and you might go up a kg or so but it's won't really make a difference. if you feel you can't do it on your own,tell someone you trust or seek help from a counsellor or somebody.
I cannot say that I have ever had an addiction in the past, but I can sympathise with you when you say that people do not understand addictions.
Thus, I am not about to criticise you for your choice.

Firstly, before you do anything, you must realise that you have a genuine serious addiction and this is a lot more than simply eating loads of chocolate because you like the taste of it.

Laxatives, strangely, do not empty your stomach but your colon.
By the time your food reaches your colon, all of its calories have already been absorbed into your body.
Thus, laxatives should not theoretically help you lose weight.

You need to now seek medical help.
It will not be easy withdrawing from laxatives; indeed you may experience nausea, constipation etc - but the key is to withdraw slowly.

But however I can't stress that you do need to speak to a physician about this - this need not be a formal 'talk' but merely an initial chat so as you can be evaluated.

Good luck and take care. :smile:
Reply 6
laxatives make you lose weight? damn, do you think i should try, then? i have a beer belly...

i looked heavier
You're boulemic then? Or anorexic? Maybe you should see a doctor, esp. since you're hurting inside. I know this is obvious advice but this is just sad. Take placebos?
Reply 7

You're boulemic then? Or anorexic? Maybe you should see a doctor, esp. since you're hurting inside. I know this is obvious advice but this is just sad. Take placebos?

the thing about placebos is that she'll know they're not placebos so she won't feel she's ok and she'll get back on the laxatives. the whole point of placebos is that the person taking them doesn't know they're not real drugs or whatever.
Reply 8
the thing about placebos is that she'll know they're not placebos so she won't feel she's ok and she'll get back on the laxatives. the whole point of placebos is that the person taking them doesn't know they're not real drugs or whatever.
Oh. :redface: Silly me.

Well definitely a doctor. Your bowls don't seem to be very healthy.
Reply 9
Oh. :redface: Silly me.

Well definitely a doctor. Your bowls don't seem to be very healthy.

it's alright :hugs::hugs:
laxatives are probably the weirdest thing ive heard anyone abusing...
it happens as well as solvents, panikillers etc etc.
Reply 12
I think you need to start facing up to the fact that you may have an eating disorder. Two of my friends had eating disorders, and they both used laxatives as a way of controlling their diet. If you could see the damage that this can do to people, physically and mentally, you would stop. Please please get help, it's nothing to be ashamed of!
Reply 13
Check out the eating disorders association. You have a problem, so you won't be able to stop without help. Also, go to your doctor as they are there to help you, not judge you.