The Student Room Group

University Rowing

Whats better - club level or uni level rowing? What are good unis for rowing? anyone know anything about Birm, Lancaster and Hull B.C's?

Are any of you going to take up rowing at Uni or have done? Or do you view it as an elitist sport full of *rahs*?! Just interested!!

Ox and Cam boat race is on 28th March is it fair that they get so much coverage and not any other inter uni boat races. Eg , Lancaster v York, Durham v Newcastle or any others that exist. Standards are just as high at rival unis for rowing, oxford brookes always seem to do well at henley, as does Loughborough students at the nationals.

Any opinions?
Reply 1
not sure about rowing specifically but i saw in potter alternative guide to univeristy or might have been another book that overall loughborough is the best at sports by some margin and Birmingham are second so i guess they must be pretty decent :tongue:
Whats better - club level or uni level rowing? What are good unis for rowing? anyone know anything about Birm, Lancaster and Hull B.C's?

Are any of you going to take up rowing at Uni or have done? Or do you view it as an elitist sport full of *rahs*?! Just interested!!

Ox and Cam boat race is on 28th March is it fair that they get so much coverage and not any other inter uni boat races. Eg , Lancaster v York, Durham v Newcastle or any others that exist. Standards are just as high at rival unis for rowing, oxford brookes always seem to do well at henley, as does Loughborough students at the nationals.

Any opinions?

As an experienced rower before i went to uni, i found it quite annoying the amount of complete novices that want to learn, not that i didnt like them rowing, just that the club was really disorganised and experienced rowers got mixed with people who never rowed before which was a bit poor on the uni. Most places put complete beginners together so they learn together and develop as a crew, people with even a tiny bit of exp then get put together out of the way so a better programme can be delivered.