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Reply 1

Same here, except I'm a girl and I'm also 2 yrs younger than you. No you're not weird. You might be asexual though. Or it might be hormonal or a matter of finding and being comfortable in the right place at the right time. We're different and different is good.:smile: It's so much better to be unique than be a sheep or in the main groups. It's not getting you down is it?
Reply 3
Yes its getting me down. Both in the way I long for someone to share my life with and to have feelings for, and also in the way I want to feel like I at least have the capacity to have feelings for someone. At the minute its just all passed me by and I dont know why
Yes its getting me down. Both in the way I long for someone to share my life with and to have feelings for, and also in the way I want to feel like I at least have the capacity to have feelings for someone. At the minute its just all passed me by and I dont know why

Oh I'm sorry to hear that.:hugs: Why do you want those things? Is it to be in the majority case or more for the sharing your life with someone special? Just don't think that because you haven't experienced these things that you haven't got a heart or that your heart is made of stone, because I'm sure it's not. But you know, you feel compassion and want good things to happen for your friends and yourself to include hobbies so that shows that you're not devoid or being able to have feelings for someone or something. It's different for me because I don't feel that I'm missing out or that a partner needs to fill my life. But maybe like me, you could take this time to really find and become comfortable with yourself and who you are both inside and outside. I don't know whether that helps or applies to you at all. And about ppl finding you attractive: Ppl are all different; gene make-ups etc but there are some ppl out there that are attracted to what's inside of a person- their personality, beliefs and interests. If no-one appreciates this or the external attraction then they're not worth it, but there's a strong possibility that later on there will be ppl whom you will connect with, have feelings for and feel attracted to and vice versa. You just need to go about as you and you will find them or that one special person. Whatever you do, don't sacrifice yourself by persuading and deceiving yourself into what you feel because you perceive that you should do so as to fancy ppl and get into a relationship.
Reply 5
No, you're not odd at all. You're probably just a slightly late developer, like I was (just beginning to think about such things seriously now, at almost 20). As for the special someone, they will come along eventually. You can share your life with close friends, you know - not in the same way, but it's certainly a substitute. I'm not talking about aquaintances here, I'm talking the sort of friend whom you can wake up for advice at 3am.

All this stuff about boyfriends and girlfriends is just fashionable - there's no need to take part, whatever peer pressure may say. One day you'll find love, and learn the difference :smile:
Reply 6
Same here, except I'm a girl and I'm also 2 yrs younger than you. No you're not weird. You might be asexual though. Or it might be hormonal or a matter of finding and being comfortable in the right place at the right time. We're different and different is good.:smile: It's so much better to be unique than be a sheep or in the main groups. It's not getting you down is it?


best quote EVER

I am pretty much in the same situation myself (although I have liked guys in the past, I just don't like anyone now, and haven't for quite a while). I'm just waiting for a change of scenery I guess ... uni and all that.
Reply 7
Don't worry, your not alone, im still single at 18 which is mainly down to my shyness. Wait until you feel right with someone! :smile:
Reply 8
You might be asexual though.

i said that to one of my mates n he went really weird..:confused:
I can sort of relate to you...although i worry, a bit, that maybe i don't come across particularly well to people, particularly to the opposite sex. I'm going through a spell, a long spell :biggrin: , of feeling rather asexual. Because i'm not in the dating game, nor really that bothered about being in it, you start to be thinking, "hmm...what are my parents thinking....and for that matter, what are my parents friends, parents relations etc thinking about this?". I'm sure people talk, gossip et al...but for fancying people etc...i was a late starter, not really taking much interest in the opposite sex till i was say 19, its just the way things have worked out really.

It doesn't so much worry me but i feel if i ever do get married its going to be late, that'll be a bachelor till quite late on. I'm 21 now and you do start thinking about things like this...about meeting girls, engagement prospects, marriage fact, i'm not sure if i've ever been in love, no i havent...but it seemed that way at the time but looking back it clearly wasn't.
Im a 19 year old guy. I have never had any type of relationship with anyone, Ive never kissed anyone let alone sex. I hear people talkin all the time about different people they fancy and Im just not like that I never have anyone who Im ''into'' at that time and then try and pursue them.

Similarly noone has ever found me attractive or tried to get close to me in that way.

Am I weird?

No. But go out with me. :P:P:P HAahahhaha just kiddingq
No. But go out with me. :P:P:P HAahahhaha just kiddingq

She is kidding. She's bl oody dangerous :biggrin:
Be thankful, I'm not saying your situation isn't unsettling...but at this moment in time the guy I'm in love with won't even speak to me and that is more painful. Right now I'd be happier not fancying anyone. It is a strange feeling I had it while I was 17/18 just hadn't met anyone that made me think ' me...right now...' and then I met someone..I was able to fancy he didn't want me but that's not the point. I found I was able to fancy someone and then recently fall in love (I didn't think i'd be able to do this)can't say it's worked out this time, but I know I'm now capable of it.

One day you will met someone , it might not work out but it starts the wheel in motion....I'm pretty sure if you were asexual you wouldn't want all of this? but I could be wrong. Good luck!
She is kidding. She's bl oody dangerous :biggrin:

lol how do you know I'm dangerous? :P
Reply 14
i thought that was obvious. your a scary fruit...
I've always felt the same as you, and I'm a little bit older.

To be honest, and without sounding like a complete hippy, life is far too short to worry about such things. If you don't fancy anyone, don't get a girlfriend. It's as simple as that. It might get you down sometimes, knowing that most other people seem to have a different outlook - but the important thing is to do whatever makes you feel the most happy and comfortable, you shouldn't spend a single second of life worry about doing something (or not doing something in your case) because you're a bit different - the fact that you're different, and have a different outlook on life, is what makes you interesting.

Noone eats eggs if they don't like eggs.
Reply 16
Am I weird?

Same as OP cept I kissed a girl when I was drunk (is it wrong thnat she was 2 years younger than me?) Think she was 14 at time. Otherwise nether fancied sum1. What is it to fancy sum1? I mean I found girls attractive but I don't know if you're supposed to have some sort of feelings of breathlessness first before you can ask them out. Plus I'm shy.
The Crow
i thought that was obvious. your a scary fruit...

lol never knew that strawberries were scary? :P
I wouldnt worry. The guy I am going out with at the moment is 28 and lost his virginity at 26, because he didn't ever fancy anyone, he just waited for the right gal :biggrin: