The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Let's put it this way, if it wasn't for being in the company of girls that we thought we may wish to impress then there would be no cutlery, no manners, no non-functional clothing...

Generally we just behave ourselves a bit. If you're asking for a shy/outgoing reaction then you're not going to get a decent answer: it obviously depends whether the man in question is shy or outgoing in the first place.
frappuccino the title says...more sensitive / shy / out going / etc...? And what are you like normally? I'm just curious to see differences between guys.

Hey there Frap,

For the first few minutes I'll ACT like she's just my best friend. After a little bit of this, acting becomes being and it's so naturally fun and stimulating. I'll be cocky and push the line but funny with it, and babble - I do that lots with friends, just natter on about anything situational.

That's why I make my day 2s all be trips to the fun places in London that I go with my best friends. All the stimuli in these places affect you and bring you back to that friends-messing-about-together mindset. It's brilliant!
Reply 3
frappuccino the title says...more sensitive / shy / out going / etc...? And what are you like normally? I'm just curious to see differences between guys.

I go a bit quiet, and sometimes shy. But I kind of make it obvious as I can't stop talking about relationships and crap with her.
Reply 4
I can get quite quiet and not able to think of anything to say...If I can ill get into a nice deep conversation and try and make it obvious that I like her...
Reply 5

But not necessarily in a bad way. There's always a little initial sense of awkwardness, and then you fall into a comfortable pocket of conversation and laughter and so forth.
I try and be myself but usually i go quite shy