Not really a huge problem, but it does get me down a little. I'm at Uni, as is a friends who I've known for about two years. We worked together, fell out, then happened to end up at the same uni. Thre's always been a lot of chemistry between us, although little ever happened. Every week we'd go t the same places and would invarably spend the majority of the night with each other. We got on, I thouht he was a kind, lovely person.
However, I've ben seing my now-boyfriend for six weeks. I don't mean to sound like a complete prat, but he's a pretty good catch, and I think my 'friend' realises that.
Basically, my problem is that whenever I see my friend he always criticises me and puts me down. he's even said that he bets i'm ''rubbish in bed'' and that ''I can see why guys fancy you, but you do nothng for me''- these comments were completly random, and weren't responses to questions.
I was on the bus with him last week when my boyfriend called me. He was meeting me off the bus to give me a lift. As he was in his car outside a shop, i asked if he'd mind getting me a drink as there was plenty of time. My friend found this particularly amusing and said ''what? he's just gonna go and do that for you?! I bet im he only guy that doesnt run after you''. Comments like these are really starting to baffle me as I dont know why he's behaving like this.
There's a girl in his block that clearly really likes him, and he knows it and tends to parade her about when he feels the need to look good. She's always hated me, despite never even speaking to me, and generally tried to be as nasty as she could to me. Suddenly, he's all over her. Last week, we were out. I saw him in a bar, directly opposirte the club we were all due to end up in. As soon as i went in, he approached me, with all his friends. They always act a bit stupid, consistently kissing my hand and asking me to kiss them on the chhek. Anyway, my friends and i joined the queue for the club opposite- when my friend runs out of the bar on his own to join the queue with me, completley leaving the girl in the bar. He then starts critisising me saying things like ''you actually look ok tonite, you've been looking really rough lately'' and making quite vulgar comments regarding, erm, me and my boyfriend having sex, which he thinks would be ''rubbish''.
Later in the evening, he had clearly fallen out with the girl that hates me, and she's all over other guys. THis annoys him; after all, it's only him that's allowed to do that! Then to my astonishment, she actually says hello rather warmly and excitedly as we pass on the stairs. Something of a jaw-dropping moment!
I know this appears childish, but it is getting to me. I'm going to the same club again this Monday with my boyfriend. Everyone goes here on a Monday, and his friends are going so my friend will also be there. he tends to get quite drunk and im worried he'll say something then.
Basically, when I next see him, on Monday morning on the bus to our lectures, what shall I say? he'll inevitably say something rude. I want to say something, just not sure what.
Any suggestions appreciated. Thank you, and sorry for the length x