If you want to solve a problem, you must work at the source of the problem. Simply targeting people cos they wear hoodies is only going to anger them further, and probably encourage them to continue "bad" behaviour.
There was something on the BBC news today i saw, about a black kid in Clapham who has been stopped by Police more than dozen times over the past few months, simply because of what he is. The kid mite have looked like a criminal (not necessarily because he's black), but he was not. He was hard working, had a job etc....but he made the point i made above. He said "Its getting too me, and there will be a point where i mite not be able to control myself from lashing out". Being treated like a criminal when your not one is a frustrating.
I can't remember the name of the film, but its where there are "clericks", and theres a big brother type society. Everyone takes a drug to keep them in-line, and the main clerick eventually brakes free. But everyone was wearing the same clothes...is that where we want to head?
Bad things will always happen in society, unless you address the problem at the source. Any other measures you take will merely fuel the fire.