The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i hear the LSE for history is one of the best in the country as for how good the course itself is, it depends on what you like. however i also hear that the social life and university community are not very good at all. LSE is full of a high percentage of overseas students who are extremely intelligent and paying a complete fortune to go to uni, so a great many of them follow a constant work work work no play policy. thats just what ive heard though from careers advisors and people who have visited etc. it depends if you value reputation over things like a good social life on your doorstep (obviously you can get a pretty good social life in london itself!) and people who are looking to make friends.
Reply 2
I know this sounds stupid, but I don't think their History course is actually a proper History degree. If you take a look here:

They only have economic and international History...I think it's their general prestige which have added weight to their supposed History course...what a rip off.

And here is the BA History which is still international methinks;

I am confused, but I really don't think it is "proper' History. Depends on your preferences though, if international and all that jazz suits you then here's your place matey:P
Reply 3
well it isn't "straight" history, ie V100. I don't think it is a course for those who really want to do history, it is a course for people who want a degree from LSE. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing.
Reply 4
I think LSE is pretty rubbish for history. I think that if you really want to do History, you should look at Warwick or Durham. LSE, like said in this thread, has a high proportion of international students. Many of them are paying A LOT OF MONEY to study there and work work work a lot.
Reply 5
The module lists are rather uninspiring...
Reply 6
It is called International History rather than just History, which explains why it's all international stuff...
Reply 7
Yeah, but seriously how insanely boring does 'Economic History' look, or is that just me? Also surely merely studying economic development is a really flawed way of looking at History.
Reply 8
'international history', in my opinion, is just a name they have branded the histroy course with to make it more appealing to international students. all history courses are international! how are they not? when i go to university i will be studing the history of countries all over the world - china, russia, america, britain, egypt...does that make the history course im doing any less interantional? grrr...
Reply 9
You make a good point. It's a bit off topic but how mad would you consider someone who chose Kent over LSE for Social Anthropology? Because some I know is about to do that :confused: :confused: :confused: :eek: She is a fool
Reply 10
Just wanted to ask if anyone knew the sort of teaching methods used by the LSE for their history course? e.g. seminars, lectures etc