A new girl has moved into our flat. Her course has long hours so we see her very infrequently and I'm not sure whether or not to (somehow) broach this with her/ voice my concern because of this reason, and also because I've only known her for a fortnight. I've noticed that she does not eat. She buys no food, has no cutlery etc, is never around at meal times (i.e. leaves the flat after her shower/changing for uni every morn) and never has any washing up. She is very very slim. I guess I could have put 2 and 2 together and got 5, but I think this is unlikely. As someone who was borderline ED myself I can recognise the signs quite well, eg she is stunning but quite self conscious (doesn't like her picture being taken at all), seems quite perfectionist and does something else that I used to do, talk about food a lot to divert the attention away from the fact that she doesn't eat any ("Yeah, I love pizza...mmm, chocolate's my favourite food" etc) or always has a reason why she can't accept food off you.
What should I do, if anything? I don't want her to screw up her health irreparably, or be upset about herself when she is clearly beautiful. But then I don't feel like I know her well enough to say yet. I really dont' thing I'm wrong, I'm sure she doesn't eat ALL her meals in uni time. Advice??