The Student Room Group

A hell of a lot of blood

Ok i had sex last night with someone i hadnt had sex with before... he had a pretty large penis so i knew it was going to hurt slightly lol but it ended up worse than that.

When he pulled out, there was a hell of a lot of blood. At first i thoght i might have started my period, but it wasnt the right colour, and i was on just over a week ago. The blood was BRIGHT red, so it wasnt from a period or spotting... and there was a hell of a lot of it.

This morning, im hurting a bit, but nothing major considering the amount of blood...

We actually did it over a boardroom table... i dont know if that's relevant because it was an awkward position... but its not like i wasnt well lubricated and his dick wasnt THAT big... just longer than i was used to.

Basically i hurt still and although im not still bleeding, im worried im ripped internally... do i need to see a doctor or will it heal? and what do you think could have ripped?
Reply 1
I think you should definitely have it checked out. Bleeding like that isn't normal and you wouldn't want any lasting internal damage!

Didn't you feel a sharp pain or anything while he was in there? :confused: The blood has to come from somewhere..
Reply 2
I hope you feel better.
BUT a BOARDROOM TABLE?! As in one of those long tables they have in CEO's offices? The sort that Donald Trump sits at in the Apprentice??
Reply 3
*has no idea what they are but it sounds kinky* :biggrin:
Reply 5

Er yeah lol... it was an experience i can tell you.

I didnt feel any sharp pain or anything though so thats why im not sure about it
Reply 6
:eek: :eek:
Go to your doctor.
Reply 7
Niiice. :biggrin:

Yes go see a doctor (I'm repeating myself :rolleyes: must.leave.thread.).
hehe sorry now thats an experience board room table :biggrin:
Reply 9
Especially if the guy was a famousCEO or something or the Chancellor of the Exchequer...
Well, in my opinion I think you just got a rough seeing to.

First time I had sex with my boyf (he's got nothing to be ashamed of in the trouser dept) I bled quite a bit, it felt a bit sore but healed fairly quickly.

You may have torn/scraped the outer parts of your bits, as the inner bits are really stretchy... aren't they?

Anyway Ive been with him a year now and I still bleed sometimes (if we've been particularly "thorough")

And the boardroom table!? Girl have you no shame!? :wink:
Reply 11
If it puts your mind at rest, get yourself checked out, you might have a cervical infection or something, which may have resulted in the bleeding when you had sex.
Reply 12
boardroom table eh?! sounds fun! :biggrin:
But yes. Go to a doctor or (better) a gynaecologist.
Reply 13
Ok i had sex last night with someone i hadnt had sex with before... he had a pretty large penis so i knew it was going to hurt slightly lol but it ended up worse than that.

When he pulled out, there was a hell of a lot of blood. At first i thoght i might have started my period, but it wasnt the right colour, and i was on just over a week ago. The blood was BRIGHT red, so it wasnt from a period or spotting... and there was a hell of a lot of it.

This morning, im hurting a bit, but nothing major considering the amount of blood...

We actually did it over a boardroom table... i dont know if that's relevant because it was an awkward position... but its not like i wasnt well lubricated and his dick wasnt THAT big... just longer than i was used to.

Basically i hurt still and although im not still bleeding, im worried im ripped internally... do i need to see a doctor or will it heal? and what do you think could have ripped?

Maybe he tore the lining of the vagina whilst you were doing it.

You should certainly see a doctor. It's not normal to bleed after having sex.
It could either be because he was so big, or from other problems like STDs (or I don't know a growth) so it's must to get it checked.
Reply 15
You may have torn/scraped the outer parts of your bits, as the inner bits are really stretchy... aren't they?

Yup. They have to be to let our babies out :biggrin:. Be awful if they weren't...
Is this your first time though? :s: