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Reply 1
err its going to depends if your a guy or a girl?
Reply 2
Yes, just realised I forgot to say! I'm female and 20 :redface:
Reply 3

If you're a girl and bad at flirting... just stick everything on display :wink: and the bloke will do all the work. lol
Reply 4
lol. seeing u say u have searched on wiki, i then did a search on that too. apparently I did most of the listed actions this thursday day night out to a girl i kinda like and it seems not working
Reply 5
El Scotto

If you're a girl and bad at flirting... just stick everything on display :wink: and the bloke will do all the work. lol

Nah, I don't like doing that...I'm not that sort of person.
Reply 6
Smiles, touching, hugs and whatnot are easy enough arent they?
Reply 7
Nah, I don't like doing that...I'm not that sort of person.

ah well, you'll have to go for the twiddle your hair and smile a lot thing then. whilst looking away then looking back again.
Reply 8
Flirting may consist of stylized gestures, language, body language, postures, and physiologic signs, some of which are also part of foreplay. Among these, at least in Western society, are:

Eye contact
Casual touches
Footsie, the "feet under the table" practice
Smiling suggestively
"Protean" signals, such as touching one's hair
Sending and receiving notes, poems, mixtapes, or written music
Friendly teasing
Constant glances

What's footsie?!
Reply 9
But if were to reach over and give his hand a squeeze, hold it etc...what if he didn't want and drew away, I'd be rather embarrassed....
What's footsie?!

"The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table."
Reply 11
What's footsie?!

"Friendly teasing" is interesting... works more with shy people, maybe
Reply 12
if you cant flirt then dont do it, simple =/
Reply 13
Flirting for most people is a natural thing that occurs when you really like someone. It's kind of hard to tell someone how to do it as everybody is different and if you just adopt somebody else's technique it may come across as forced or unnatural:rolleyes: .

I think though, you can't go far wrong with general friendliness and taking an interest in the guy you like when chatting to him. Try to smile a lot even if you'e feeling nervous as this is always attractive and can help ease the other person. Other than those basic tips I suggest that you just try and be yourself and do what comes naturally

Hope this helped :biggrin:
Flirting for me involves er.. violence.. I dont know why, I wish it didnt.. Lots of guys dont seem to get it :P Some do, but then I would like to be able to act less violently, but it doesnt seem to work..ever.. Lol. Ah well.... I am jealous of girls who can "flirt" though, as I just feel like an idiot
Reply 15
Flirting for me involves er.. violence.. I dont know why, I wish it didnt..

Yeh when i like a guy i can be rather aggressive and constantly hit and punch them, i feel quite sorry for my boyfriend sometimes because i can get rather violent, but i love him really.

And i think it is true if a guy picks on you then he likes you (ok only relevant to school situation sorry i forgot ur 20)
Reply 16
I like to dominate :P:p: :love:

Nothing quite as dominating as grabbing hold of his erm.... hand :wink:
Reply 17
What I'm really worried about is if I do something like sueeze his hand, giive him a hug and he doesn't reciprocate...THEN what do I do?
Oo, and I have done the flirty chat stuff, think I have to move on to the next stage...
Reply 18
What I'm really worried about is if I do something like sueeze his hand, giive him a hug and he doesn't reciprocate...THEN what do I do?
Oo, and I have done the flirty chat stuff, think I have to move on to the next stage...

just do things that could be intepreted either way like when you walk past him rub up against him, that could be seen as flirting or an accident, if he looks at you funny and asks what your doing then you know he aint interested but if he smiles then ur in.
Reply 19
I'm really bad at doing the rubbing past thing...last time I tried I ended up walking into the guy, tripping and ending up on the floor on top of least it looked like an accident.
So if I'm unsure hand squeezing etc is a no-no?