The Student Room Group

Throwing up

Sorry if this is an unsuitable question -

last night I had a bit much to drink - I don't normally but this was a one-off - anyway, I'm a lightweight, and this morning I woke up in a pretty bad state. I feel like I really want to throw up but I can't - and I've tried making myself throw up and I just can't do it! Help?!

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Maybe you don't need to throw up, I feel like this sometimes when I drink and I find if I eat something then it settles my stomach. I know the thought of eating might make you feel ill right now but you might feel better afterwards. Drink plenty of fluids too, it's surprising how much better you feel once you get some liquid down you and you're not so dehydrated. Hope you feel better soon! Hangovers are the worst.
Reply 2
Yeah, try to have some water and try to eat something. I've been sick a few times when I've had far too much to drink.:rolleyes:
I've never thrown up through quantity, only mizing. Ugh.

But yeah, these guys are right - drink some water slowly, and eat something of substance but fairly balnd - bread is perfect, as it will also help soak up the remaining crap in your stomach.
Drink tea. Herbal tea if you have it, particularly peppermint tea, will settle the stomach. Otherwise drink normal tea without milk. And eat bread, like Dan said, without butter.
Reply 5
It sounds odd, but when I have one of those nauseous hangovers I find that eating really fatty foods helps. I usually eat sausages or the like. Getting some sugar into you really helps too. Sweet tea is perfect for that.
Eat something, then if you DON'T need to throw up it will settle your stomach, and if you do, you will :p:
Reply 7
this is why alcohol is **** =/
Reply 8
Since I got negged for my comment, I should probably point out that I wasn't taking the mickey. As strange as it sounds, fat really does help when I'm hungover. The sugar is mainly for the light-headedness that I tend to get. Sorry if anyone thought I was acting maliciously.
Reply 9
I feel like I really want to throw up but I can't - and I've tried making myself throw up and I just can't do it! Help?!
Seriously, man, just don't. If it's meant to come up, it will.
Reply 10
lol @ herbal tea.
Reply 11
bacon and eggs! in the same club :frown:
im not usually this bad, and i did the whole cheese toastie thing as per usual BUT i just threw up my cheese toastie a couple of hours later, aswell as my drinks from last night.
and even drinking water and taking parecetamol make me feel sick :frown: i hate drinking it sucks.
Reply 13
are you an amature at drinking? if so, you'll learn what your issue is all about when you experience more with alcohol...
rachelrainbow32 in the same club :frown:
im not usually this bad, and i did the whole cheese toastie thing as per usual BUT i just threw up my cheese toastie a couple of hours later, aswell as my drinks from last night.
and even drinking water and taking parecetamol make me feel sick :frown: i hate drinking it sucks.

Whoahhhh... you posted that at 9.50am... and you JUST threw up food you had a couple of hours before?! What on earth are you doing getting up at half seven after alcohol on a sunday?!

Unless, of course, you didn't go to sleep, in which case high-five!

And i like people like anjurdsg - The Alcohol Elitist.
Tis quite simple if you don't want to feel rubbish after a night out. Don't drink so much! Pace yourself, having a soft drink between each alcoholic drink. You have no right to complain about feeling bad if you've drunk too much. Its your fault. Deal with it!
Tis quite simple if you don't want to feel rubbish after a night out. Don't drink so much! Pace yourself, having a soft drink between each alcoholic drink. You have no right to complain about feeling bad if you've drunk too much. Its your fault. Deal with it!
Yeah but...that just isn't as fun.

Having said that I got absolutely smashed on Friday, tried it on with 2 girls, failed with both, then woke up the next morning half naked on my bedroom floor.

im always hungry after a night out so i always hit the chinese or indian for a munch b4 i go home :smile: less of a hangover in the morning :p:
You do NOT want to be sick, trust me.

I was sick 12 times yesterday morning after my sisters wedding the day before. What a state - 3 of those were on the way home, lots of quick driving to the next services so i didn't projectile in the car all over the cream leather!
Well on Saturday after my Friday night of drinking was have a nice cup of tea without milk, sugar or anything like that in. I had aready been sick ALOT before hand anyway (probably about 15+ times :redface:, 3 of those outside the club we had been to, 2 of those where on the way to my boyfriends out of the car window and I'm not sure how many times in the loo at the club we were in because I was SERIOUSLY out of it then) but still felt sick in the morning so my boyfriends ma gave me the tea and put a detol in the bowl my head was leaning over and it helped me be sick again a few times. However I couldn't keep anything down untill 11pm so that wasn't too good :frown: . I would recomend beans on toast/bread for when you think you are able to eat again though that and a banana as, I think, the throwing up would have made it so you are down in potasuim(sp?).